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low rated
fw1338: BULLSHIT
just learn to parry "laughs in dark souls"
yeah sure. parry 80% dmg. no parry 85%. makes relly that much difference. thank you for your helpfull adivce.
fw1338: yeah sure. parry 80% dmg. no parry 85%. makes relly that much difference. thank you for your helpfull adivce.
parry is not block
if you parry you dont receive damage and you stun the opponent opening him for some hits

to parry you have to block right before the attack hits you
Post edited December 25, 2020 by zatom.gozu
Fist fighting is hilariously easy to cheese. I beat the first four fist fights before I hit level 8 without needing to block or counter much at all.

Simply move in, strong punch. Move back outside of pushing distance (about a meter or two) then push back in and use another strong attack. Yeah it's laborious and time consuming but more than easy to do.

The hardest one for me was the ex-military sniper because reasons you'll find quickly after you beat him. Just bring a lot of grenades is all I'll say.
Post edited December 25, 2020 by Chaos_Marine
If you want to fight the trained boxers you should invest some points in brawling yourself. I can recommend the health recovery on hit perks (3 levels).

After all you are boxing for "championship" - not some quick wins.
Post edited December 25, 2020 by chew-ie
First one I found was the twins and yeah it was stupidly hard, despite showing as 'medium' difficulty.

I just waited till later after leveling up a bunch and the quest showed as easy.
Level difference causes a lot of problem if you are under-leveled, just like in MMO's.

Sadly I don't know specifics because the game never shows us enemy levels.... just a skull if they are overleveled compared to you.
I'm not really a fan of the level/challenge rating system in the game. I think a far better system would have been to have weapons with fixed damages and then having the iconic/named weapons having a bonus stats such as damage, fire rate etc.

All weapons should be quite viable in terms of lethality with stat losses depending on the state, say from ill-maintained, averagely maintained, well maintained and cherished. As an example, even if you have high tier subdermal armour and look like the Terminator when escaping Cyberdyne, head shots should cause dizziness and accuracy penalties.

Yeah, I understand that it's partly supposed to be an RPG but RPGs are intended to simulate combat so make the RPG function as a simulation and not just swapping out weapons every other few seconds because it has a slightly higher DPS count.

You could make Crafting an actual worthwhile by renaming it Maintenance and dividing it into different sections such as Light Weapons (Pistols/Sub Machineguns, Shotguns/Rifles, Heavy Weapons/Grenades with each branch being further divided into halves etc), The perks would be themed on maintenance of your weapons/consumables so you'd get stat bonuses for keeping your weapons well maintained. It would be greatly more meaningful if you found a weapon you liked, be it the appearance, sounds etc and to give that specific weapon bonus stats the longer you use it so you could have a dual proficiency for that weapon, one for that type of weapon and the second for that specific gun only.
Post edited December 25, 2020 by Chaos_Marine
Chaos_Marine: Fist fighting is hilariously easy to cheese. I beat the first four fist fights before I hit level 8 without needing to block or counter much at all.

Simply move in, strong punch. Move back outside of pushing distance (about a meter or two) then push back in and use another strong attack. Yeah it's laborious and time consuming but more than easy to do.

The hardest one for me was the ex-military sniper because reasons you'll find quickly after you beat him. Just bring a lot of grenades is all I'll say.
The Cyberpyscho

Legendary - System Reset not even a fight.
You can just cheese these fights - microgenerator for the win :D and biomonitor just for peace of mind. Not sure if this gonna work for championship fight but as it got me to this point, should work
fw1338: BULLSHIT
zatom.gozu: just learn to parry "laughs in dark souls"
Parrying doesn't block any damage in later fist fights.
fw1338: yeah sure. parry 80% dmg. no parry 85%. makes relly that much difference. thank you for your helpfull adivce.
zatom.gozu: parry is not block
if you parry you dont receive damage and you stun the opponent opening him for some hits

to parry you have to block right before the attack hits you
This is true only for the first fist fight. After that, in later fights, parrying doesn't block any damage. Probably because of broken level scaling.
Post edited December 26, 2020 by Void Eclipse
zatom.gozu: just learn to parry "laughs in dark souls"
Void Eclipse: Parrying doesn't block any damage in later fist fights.
zatom.gozu: parry is not block
if you parry you dont receive damage and you stun the opponent opening him for some hits

to parry you have to block right before the attack hits you
Void Eclipse: This is true only for the first fist fight. After that, in later fights, parrying doesn't block any damage. Probably because of broken level scaling.
i never got damage when i parried correctly but im not in endgame yet

i think the tutorial states that you deflect the damage so i would assume you just encountered some weird bug, which may be consistend through the game thou^^ thanks for info
It is possible for an enemy to damage you through your block. There's an enemy with a funny nose you'll encounter who'll have this ability.
Chaos_Marine: It is possible for an enemy to damage you through your block. There's an enemy with a funny nose you'll encounter who'll have this ability.
Oh yeah Bozo the Clown I like that Character his crazy as
fw1338: BULLSHIT
zatom.gozu: just learn to parry "laughs in dark souls"
but the ranco hits hits you cant parry and you cant get away its so bad