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high rated
Please add all keybinds to the controls menu and let us rebind them all. A lot of keys are missing from the menu. For example "J" for journal, "F5" for quicksave etc. I do not even know which hotkeys exist, as they are not displayed anywhere.
TheOne320: Please add all keybinds to the controls menu and let us rebind them all. A lot of keys are missing from the menu. For example "J" for journal, "F5" for quicksave etc. I do not even know which hotkeys exist, as they are not displayed anywhere.
Yes Please!
This is a test. Test!

EDIT. Interesting. I have been trying to post my complaints about this for almost half an hour and the system won't let me. Apparently the use of certain words leads to the reply not being posted. WTF?

I'll make this short: This hardcoded keybind mess is ridiculous and pathetic. This has absolutely NO place whatsoever in PC gaming in 2020. I never pre-order games or buy them at full price, but I made an exception for CP2077... Which was apparently a mistake.

Shame on you, CDPR. Shame on you.
Post edited December 10, 2020 by XTRMNTR2K
As a lefty it would be much appreciated!
I can't use the cursor-buttons?! really?!
They are all there in .xml files even though they don't show in the UI. :(

You can, if you have the skills, rebind everything by editing the files.

That said, you shouldn't have to go editing files, everything should be right in the UI if i's just a matter of rewriting some xml files, something many players can do themselves but many more can't.
TheOne320: Please add all keybinds to the controls menu and let us rebind them all. A lot of keys are missing from the menu. For example "J" for journal, "F5" for quicksave etc. I do not even know which hotkeys exist, as they are not displayed anywhere.
Definitely. I would love if they would do this.
i'm 58, i've been playing pc games for a long time, and i can say this is the worst ui i have ever experienced, it is so convoluted, so fiddly , so confusing, the controls should be intuitive , and the ui the same , with this game it's a mess , how many years ? for this garbage ui and controls , garbage, a fiddly convoluted mess
MadeUpName556: They are all there in .xml files even though they don't show in the UI. :(

You can, if you have the skills, rebind everything by editing the files.

That said, you shouldn't have to go editing files, everything should be right in the UI if i's just a matter of rewriting some xml files, something many players can do themselves but many more can't.
Stuff like this keeps me from buying the game though. That is an oversight in development that should not have made it into the retail version. I am not fiddling with any files because the developers forgot such basic options. As long as the things persist the game simply does not exist for me.
fugno: As a lefty it would be much appreciated!
I completely agree as a fellow lefty, I was wondering why some of my remapping were failing even though the key wasnt in use and this is, I'm afraid to say, a bit silly.

Division 2 had a pre-baked in lefthanded key mapping which was such a joy to see.

Will I really have to hand edit UserSettings.json?!?!?!?!?

Without sounding to over the top: I can not play this game atm as it is which is frustrating
Post edited December 10, 2020 by z3d
How is this even possible in a game of this caliber? I always use ~ for map and F1 for inventory in games like this one. And I can't. C'mon, it's really not that hard. Hopefully they can patch this ASAP.
amnesia: How is this even possible in a game of this caliber? I always use ~ for map and F1 for inventory in games like this one. And I can't. C'mon, it's really not that hard. Hopefully they can patch this ASAP.
Don’t hold your breath, it took CDPR years to fix the exact same mess in Witcher 3 which I as a lefty started playing in 2018....
This is kind of silly from a company that started as a PC developer. It's not the biggest issue this game has, but it's an oversight professional don't usually make.
Completely agreed. I played the hell out of the original Cyberpunk tabletop rpg, and kept up with it through several expansions. I'm also a long-time supporter of GOG and am glad of their relationship with CPDR.

So imagine my disappointment with the basically stupid hardcoded keybinds. Yeah, I found a workaround, but I shouldn't have had to do so. Open up the keybinds fully, CPDR. I want to like your game, however hardcoded keybinds is one of those things like poor graphics - if they exist, I don't play.
TheOne320: Please add all keybinds to the controls menu and let us rebind them all. A lot of keys are missing from the menu. For example "J" for journal, "F5" for quicksave etc. I do not even know which hotkeys exist, as they are not displayed anywhere.
Actually F5 is quick save. However I didn't figured out, if there is a quick LOAD button... It's not F9.