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yaleblor: i'm 58, i've been playing pc games for a long time, and i can say this is the worst ui i have ever experienced, it is so convoluted, so fiddly , so confusing, the controls should be intuitive , and the ui the same , with this game it's a mess , how many years ? for this garbage ui and controls , garbage, a fiddly convoluted mess
I'm 10 years senior to you --you young whippersnapper, you...;)--but darned if every videoclip of actual gameplay I've seen from this game hasn't looked--in terms of image quality--as bad as you say the game plays! Everything looks low-res, low-textures. Like you, I've been to more than one rodeo...;)

I play at 4k--is the image quality in gameplay as bad as all of the streamed videoclips I've seen make it appear?

amnesia: How is this even possible in a game of this caliber? I always use ~ for map and F1 for inventory in games like this one. And I can't. C'mon, it's really not that hard. Hopefully they can patch this ASAP.
The jury seems to be out on exactly what caliber game this is...I'm as surprised as you are.
Post edited December 12, 2020 by waltc
MadeUpName556: They are all there in .xml files even though they don't show in the UI. :(

You can, if you have the skills, rebind everything by editing the files.

That said, you shouldn't have to go editing files, everything should be right in the UI if i's just a matter of rewriting some xml files, something many players can do themselves but many more can't.
This is what I came on here for...

C:\GoG Games\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\config\inputUserMappings.xml

<mapping name="TogglePauseMenu_Button" type="Button" >
<button id="IK_Pad_Back_Select" />
<button id="IK_PS4_OPTIONS" />

<mapping name="OpenHubMenu_Button" type="Button" >
<button id="IK_I" />
<button id="IK_Pad_Start" />
<button id="IK_PS4_TOUCH_PRESS" />

<mapping name="OpenMapMenu_Button" type="Button" >
<button id="IK_M" />
<button id="IK_Pad_Start" />
<button id="IK_PS4_TOUCH_PRESS" />

<mapping name="OpenJournalMenu_Button" type="Button" >
<button id="IK_J" />

<mapping name="OpenPerksMenu_Button" type="Button" >
<button id="IK_P" />

<mapping name="OpenCraftingMenu_Button" type="Button" >
<button id="IK_K" />

<mapping name="OpenInventoryMenu_Button" type="Button" >
<button id="IK_O" />

is what you're talking about yes?

(At this point, I think anyone should be able to modify these binds, will test and report later)
Post edited December 12, 2020 by Merranvo
I glad there is a work around to try.

I'm super annoyed about certain keys not being rebindable. Like being forced to use 'F' for getting into a vehicle or silent takedowns.

I have to take my hand off my mouse to use the left side of the keyboard.
All keys should show up and should be fully rebindable!
Not related to my above comment
try this!

Here is a fix

Just Copy the *.xml files into your \GOG Galaxy\Games\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\config Directory

from there you can now play the game better remember TRY these binds for yourself!
Post edited December 12, 2020 by fr33kSh0w2012
I'm not left-handed, but I've been playing PC games with ESDF for movement for more than 20 years now (since the original Half-Life in 1998, bless that beautiful game). It's baffling for me to see the industry devolving to such a degree that we are losing this simple convenience we've had for decades. I know I can change the bindings in the game files, and have done that to get rid of the worst offenders, but I shouldn't be forced to jump through these hoops just to play the game I paid well in advance for.

So let me join the chorus here: please, CDPR, cut this crap and give us our key bindings. It shouldn't be that hard to do, there's no real reason NOT to do it, and look at this thread and others like it to see all the people you're gonna make happy. What are you waiting for?
Post edited December 12, 2020 by Truehare
Truehare: I'm not left-handed, but I've been playing PC games with ESDF for movement for more than 20 years now (since the original Half-Life in 1998, bless that beautiful game). It's baffling for me to see the industry devolving to such a degree that we are losing this simple convenience we've had for decades. I know I can change the bindings in the game files, and have done that to get rid of the worst offenders, but I shouldn't be forced to jump through these hoops just to play the game I paid well in advance for.

So let me join the chorus here: please, CDPR, cut this crap and give us our key bindings. It shouldn't be that hard to do, there's no real reason NOT to do it, and look at this thread and others like it to see all the people you're gonna make happy. What are you waiting for?
Try these

I play similar to you except mine is RMB/SDF

also note what I have done with MiddleMouse!
fr33kSh0w2012: All keys should show up and should be fully rebindable!
Not related to my above comment
try this!

Here is a fix

Just Copy the *.xml files into your \GOG Galaxy\Games\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\config Directory

from there you can now play the game better remember TRY these binds for yourself!
You binds have been deleted... oh, deletes the instant someone downloads a file, you should use a different service. Did overridableUI work here to make all keys bindable, or is it just your own custom binding?

Truehare: I'm not left-handed, but I've been playing PC games with ESDF for movement for more than 20 years now (since the original Half-Life in 1998, bless that beautiful game). It's baffling for me to see the industry devolving to such a degree that we are losing this simple convenience we've had for decades. I know I can change the bindings in the game files, and have done that to get rid of the worst offenders, but I shouldn't be forced to jump through these hoops just to play the game I paid well in advance for.

So let me join the chorus here: please, CDPR, cut this crap and give us our key bindings. It shouldn't be that hard to do, there's no real reason NOT to do it, and look at this thread and others like it to see all the people you're gonna make happy. What are you waiting for?
Welcome to consolitus. Not only can you not rebind keys without editing config files (though, at least you CAN do that, some games require me to use autohotkey to get the bindings I want) but when exiting the map it returns to the main pause screen instead of just exiting the map. That a quicksave exists is a blessing, most games don't even bother having a "save anywhere" game system anymore, let alone a dedicated quick save.

I really do hate what the console market has done to gaming.
Truehare: I'm not left-handed, but I've been playing PC games with ESDF for movement for more than 20 years now (since the original Half-Life in 1998, bless that beautiful game). It's baffling for me to see the industry devolving to such a degree that we are losing this simple convenience we've had for decades. I know I can change the bindings in the game files, and have done that to get rid of the worst offenders, but I shouldn't be forced to jump through these hoops just to play the game I paid well in advance for.

So let me join the chorus here: please, CDPR, cut this crap and give us our key bindings. It shouldn't be that hard to do, there's no real reason NOT to do it, and look at this thread and others like it to see all the people you're gonna make happy. What are you waiting for?
I'm not technically left handed, but I do operate the computer left handed. I made that decision back when the first Descent game came and opted to use the num pad because it has a more orderly layout. I've been doing that ever since.

The game keeps wanting me to use 'F' and 'R' for things which makes me take my hand off the mouse, and since my hand wasn't on the keys, it takes a second to even figure out where they are.

I'd consider it close to unplayable this way, and find it hard to believe no left handed people tried playing this with a keyboard and mouse, or would have been ok with this if they had.

I'm quite dissatisfied with this situation.
+1 for this, please CDPR!
You binds have been deleted... oh, deletes the instant someone downloads a file, you should use a different service. Did overridableUI work here to make all keys bindable, or is it just your own custom binding?

They were my own (Very awesome binds!)

What about Now Try here
Post edited December 12, 2020 by fr33kSh0w2012
Merranvo: (though, at least you CAN do that, some games require me to use autohotkey to get the bindings I want)
Of course, I've read that apparently this game block input from programs like autohotkey, so that work-around isn't actually possible.

(Though reportedly, if running under Linux with Wine, the issue disappears, but I have a feeling that not many people will want to deal with installing Linux and getting Wine working just to play one game.)

There's been complaints of disabled players being unable to play this game because of this issue.
I'd like to add my voice to this request - CDPR please make all keys to be rebind-able!

Not everyone is using WSAD for movement, and the ability to use any other keys should be standard by now in PC gaming. The fact that today's 1.04 patch did not address this (easily fixable) issue is both ridiculous and infuriating.

Two days now, and counting, without being able to play the game...
Seconded, please let us see and edit all the bindings. Also allow alternatives, for example I would like to be able to use mouse button 5 as an alternative to F.
I have managed to work around this by hand-editing <install location>\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\config\inputUserMappings.xml

Be sure to take a backup before you start, especially if you are not conversant with XML. You need to use a true plain text editor such as Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code, not Notepad or WordPad.

Search for every occurence of <button id="IK_F". Sometimes it will have and attribute overridableUI="something", other times not.

Then just insert a new line underneath such as:

<button id="IK_Mouse5" />

That did the trick for me. I know it's not user-friendly, but at least it gets the job done until CDPR fix the keybindings UI.
Dear CDPR,
Please consult the developers of Monster Hunter World on professional implementation of key bindings.