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Lets get things strait right ahead: I was looking forward to this game, but wasnt paying much attention to the hype train. I didnt even bother to preorder. Then the first reviews came out and I bought the game.

I would like to discuss here with other players (are the devs reading this?) the current state of this game. So far it was a beauty and the beast kind of game for me. So CDR got the story right, I really enjoy it. Thats the beauty part. The beast part is the thing that bugs me and I wanted to share my opinions with others.

Reading through this forum shows that my first problem is a problem many people are having: The terrible performance. Its not just that the game runs badly per se. I find it very annoying that I cant do shit to change this. Other than changing the resolution to LEGO mode, it seems to me that none of the graphic settings do much. Going from all on High or Very High (was the default!) to medium or low gained me about 10fps. Now the game looks like crap, I got graphical glitches, broken shadows, blurry shadows. All in all erything looks smugded now. Almost as if the resolution was not the native resolution of my screen. The TAA is making terrible artifacts.

The next problem is the gameplay. I dont know if it is the low framerate or the game itself, but driving cars is the most useless experience in the game. All cars have terrible steering. Combined with the high input lag or mushy input this leeds to thousand dead pedestrians! So the cops start annoying me all the time. Even when I drive slow, I get peds that spawn out of thin air, 2m in front of me. Peds stuck in the floor, only to warp away (preferrably directly in front of my car) The laggy/mushy input also makes guns so nasty. It reminds me of fallout 4, same type of laggy/mushy input. Going through settings does not help with this.

And oh my god all the other bugs... I have played (as tester) games in alpha that werent so buggy! God damn. I know the game is very large in scope and was developed over a long time. But CDR cant possibly tell me that those problems NEVER occured in QC! There are just too damn many of them. Floating objects, bugged facial animations, broken character movement animation, delayed/broken audio (in dialogue).

I somewhat just wanted to get that out of my system. I am very disappointed of the game as a whole. I have waited out on preorder because of that. Then I fall and buy the game on release date because of good press (I know there were reviews that pointed out bugs, but everyone said somethign like: preview build, its ok) and then I get this bugged shitshow. So what are your thoughts to this? Is the problem the press that was too good? Are all these people here, complaining about problems, outliers and the game runs just fine for 99% of the rest?

PS: Just to clarify, I dont want to harm CDR. I am just a disappointed customer which wants a reaction. So far I havent read anywhere that CDR is working overtime to get the first real patch out. Those problems arent small bugs that maybe just annoy people.
PPS: Im running the game on a Ryzen 3600X with a GTX 1080Ti on 3440x1440.
It really seems to be a roulette wheel as to what problems people receive and what problems people don't. I am on the lower side of a high end laptop rig, with a RTX 2070 and a i7-9750H, and with ray tracing off as well as some playing around with settings, I can get around 70 FPS constantly and have only experienced minor bugs so far. That said, there are things that are definitely -off- about the game that get close to that patented Eurojank. You mentioned some of them- floating objects, odd, skipping animations, dialogue timing issues. I've been loving the game despite that, personally, but then again I've been lucky with performance. At the very least, these bugs and optimization issues can be ironed out over time- but they never should have been there to begin with, not to mention the state of the game on console. That said, a hot fix is currently in the works, apparently, so hopefully we'll be seeing some improvement sooner rather than later. There truly is a fantastic game buried underneath these problems- but at this point, CDPR has some good will to make up even beyond fixing their game for that to be recognized.
Sadly I have to agree. I expected bugs but it feels like an early demo a lot of the time. Especially the things you mentioned.

I wouldn't bother if stuff would sometimes float or stuff rarely stuck in the ground or things occasionally pop into existence.
I actually only once saw a person holding an actual cigarette, almost always they just make the hand pose.
Kids usually play with nothing in their hands, the epic "relic" was invisible for me during all scenes it was involved... Npcs sit in the air, my bike often sinks into the ground, odd audio issues in the menu, no lip sync in dialogue, animationless floating npcs. Oh and if you happen to destroy a chair where an npc sits on. The npcs couldn't be bothered to fall... :/

All of those are not game breaking but immersion breaking.
But gameplay wise the oddest thing is combat. Npcs stand around. They just stand around and look at me or a wall while I box their friend. And sometimes they join in but I had npcs that would just stand there all fight and even after I hit them they would do nothing. It feels totally off in a "tense combat situation" if 2 of the 4 guys you fight with just stand there.
And attacking vehicles just... roll around super slow and chill instead of ramming.

Dropped items are also often not selectable and thus can't be looted.

Also if you park on the street (even if you just park on the sidewalk with 2 wheels on the road), traffic will come to a halt and you effectively jammed traffic for the whole district.

And oftentimes I can't use keys while in a car or on a bike until I move the mouse around.

There was more but I can't remember all the small issues.

All in all there's a lot of polishing to be done in future patches.
The game still manages to be fun though.
jesus you think the PC version is bad optmized? just look the console versions, its just SAD.
I think its pretty obvious this game should had be delayed for another 5 months, this dont feel even like a early acess but a total alpha version of the game.
i smell the hand of executives and contracs forcing the developers to release the game as soon as possible to match the PS5 and new xbox consoles releases, and let be honest the previous Ps4 and xbox CANT RUN THIS GAME, they just cant, is not a matter of making a good port its a matter that this game was made for the next generation of tech like SSDs and ray tracing.
What impressed me the most is, even short intro had a number of clearly visible, irritating bugs. Considering how much footage from intro they showed, one would expect CDPR to completely polish at least intro. But nope, they just edited the footage, evidently.
Wow I had no idea that the console versions were even more corrupted.

MorfiumG is right that many of the bugs are not game breaking (as in crash to desktop or broken quests). But the story and the whole setup of this game lives on the created illusion. Games like these suck you into their realm, like a good novel or movie. They need working immersion to be excelent. Otherwise they are just games. Thats why this situation saddens me. I really love the atmosphere the game creates, I dig the whole setup. But the immersion breaking bugs are so damn frequent that I dont get sucked into the game as much.

On one side I agree, this release seems very rushed. Its like they took Bethesda, Bioware and EA games and threw them in a blender. Out came a rushed, horrible mess of bugs and poor performance.
On the other side I really cant understand as to how this could happen. This game was in development for ages! They pushed the release date back several times. If the game was announced in Jan. 2020 and was just released... I would certanly agree, bad publisher rushed job. But how can you mess up a game that was in development for so long, so badly? Even good, polished games arent bug free when they are released (at least nowadays). So I wouldnt go too harsh on CDPR.

I really hope that a good chunk of these problems is adressed when the first patch arrives.
DarkTl: What impressed me the most is, even short intro had a number of clearly visible, irritating bugs. Considering how much footage from intro they showed, one would expect CDPR to completely polish at least intro. But nope, they just edited the footage, evidently.
I think, as with most bugs in the game, it's a roulette. I didn't encounter one bug until I got out of the intro and into the open world- some people are experiencing them almost immediately.
fanatictentacle: Reading through this forum shows that my first problem is a problem many people are having: The terrible performance. Its not just that the game runs badly per se. I find it very annoying that I cant do shit to change this.
I am playing 4k with high settings on my system. No fps drops yet.
Did you actualized the graphics drivers? They were releases on 9th of December for CP2077

The next problem is the gameplay. I dont know if it is the low framerate or the game itself, but driving cars is the most useless experience in the game. All cars have terrible steering. Combined with the high input lag or mushy input this leeds to thousand dead pedestrians! So the cops start annoying me all the time. Even when I drive slow, I get peds that spawn out of thin air, 2m in front of me. Peds stuck in the floor, only to warp away (preferrably directly in front of my car) The laggy/mushy input also makes guns so nasty. It reminds me of fallout 4, same type of laggy/mushy input. Going through settings does not help with this.
I didn't experienced something similar yet

And oh my god all the other bugs... I have played (as tester) games in alpha that werent so buggy! God damn. I know the game is very large in scope and was developed over a long time. But CDR cant possibly tell me that those problems NEVER occured in QC! There are just too damn many of them. Floating objects, bugged facial animations, broken character movement animation, delayed/broken audio (in dialogue).

PPS: Im running the game on a Ryzen 3600X with a GTX 1080Ti on 3440x1440.
I am using Xeon E5-1650v4 with 32GB, GTX 1070 Extreme AMP Core (Asus) on 3840x2160p and I go no bad performance by now (but I had no larger action sequences, yet) nor I can see any bugs:
Until now I didn't saw any flying objects, or the other subjects you told.
Im using the newest drivers, updated them before launching the game the first time.

It is very interesting to see that the issues really seem to be a roulette. What settings are you using ingame and what fps do you get? On 4K the game is heavily GPU bound, with your 1070 and with the higher resolution ... I would have thought that the game would be unplayable.
I have lowered most of the settings to medium or low, getting around 50fps. When erverything is maxed out, I get something in the range of high 30 to low 40
Thats what I meant by changing the settings does not help. Going from max to med-low yielded only 10/15fps more. Thats bad
So I've had a stable game with solid performance and am having a blast. Far and away becoming my favourite game.

Game installed on boot drive, Samsung 950 Pro.
3700x in ECO mode (45w) and boost disabled in bios (doesn't make much of a difference in games except chasing benchmark scores)
3080 ASUS TUF (set to clock 1700 - down from 1710 in GPU Tweak because OCD) frame rate cap at 85 FPS (match with monitor at 3440x1440)
2x16GB 3600 CL 19

Both CPU and GPU have aggressive fan curves to keep temps under load at about 60c

Audio outputted from GPU to AV.

In game everything set to high or ultra except motion blur and ambient occlusion which are disabled because I don't like the look. DLSS set to quality , RTX on Ultra and Vsync on.

Power settings set to AMD balanced, and NVIDIA Control Panel everything set to Application Settings where possible and optimised or off for everything else. Frame rate capped at 85 with GSYNC enabled, and Low Latency mode set to ultra.

Game is buttery smooth. No idea on frame rates - but it feels slick and smooth.

Edit: I've played about 20+ hours, have had only one crash to desktop and the only bugs have been some minor items levitating and one hilarious bug where cars where side swiping the stall at the base of the stairs near your apartment.
Post edited December 12, 2020 by Icinix
I don't know why some people are surprised but this seems to be a common theme/trend for some developers to just rush games and release their games in a bad state. This is why I don't bother picking up games that I'm interested have been released less than 6 months let alone on day 1.

I don't have a solution as to how to get to stop rushing games but I do know that this should have stopped couple of years ago.
fanatictentacle: . Going from all on High or Very High (was the default!) to medium or low gained me about 10fps
Reducing the graphics will only help if it's the graphics causing the bottleneck. I'm starting to suspect if we did a quick straw poll the main thing those of us who aren't seeing performance problems have in common is that we're all running at least 32GB memory. Might be worth reducing the Crowd option and see if that gives you a bigger boost.
Although I did have a weird issue where the game would start stuttering after about an hour of playing, but that looks to be down to having Geforce experience running in the background. Magically fixes it if I close it down :/

Floating objects, bugged facial animations, broken character movement animation, delayed/broken audio (in dialogue).
Par for the course in open world games. In fairness, I've yet to complete the Bethesda Bingo card in this one (mainly due to a lack of anything suddenly flying a few hundred feet in the air due to coming into contact with something else; I'm hoping it'll happen at some point though).
I will say that my average fps went up considerably after today's patch, in the neighborhood of ~25 fps increase on average.
Ive played like 10 hour already, nothing too bad if asked from me.
Well I have 32GB of 3600MHz RAM in Dual Channel... All tuned to satisfy Ryzen.

The patch did nothing.
I activated the GPU scheduling in windows, did nothing.
I updated to windows 20H2, did nothing.
Did a reinstall of nVidia drivers with DDU, did nothing.

According to task manager im getting 80-90% on the GPU and 40% on the CPU while running the game.

The most performance gain was by lowering Ambient Oclusion, Screen Space Refelctions, Volumetrics, Cascading shadows. The remaining options do almost nothing between low and high.