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CiberX15: My day job is software quality assurance. I have seen weirder things than an analytics switch causing lock ups. In fact, I have even seen analytics cause lock ups and crashes in other games before. App tried to send an analytics message but got caught in a while loop that never escaped. Suspected something like that could have been happening here.

I actually tried to be scientific about it, tried with it off and got the lock up, tried with it on and got several hours of game-play with no issues. Turned it back off and got a lock up while trying to load into the game. It seemed pretty cut and dry. So that's how I reached the conclusion that it was the analytics switch.

Then today with the switch on it randomly locked up again. So its just super random and can take anywhere from 15min to 10 hours to repro. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'll try the Windows Key + CRTL + SHIFT + B thing next time I hit the lock up. See if that does anything. I'm on latest drivers though so I don't hold out much hope.
So you've checked event viewer...
Checked for PSU spiking on excessive draw
Checked for instability in other instances.

If you're working as Software QA do you question if the standard is broken or that they're not training people correctly as everything is so bloated in Inefficient now and hardly complies with security in mind requiring more powerful devices whilst doing the same job.
Post edited December 27, 2020 by wayke
Well... Windows Key + CRTL + SHIFT + B did nothing so I don't know what that means. I already have latest drivers and I am hesitant to revert, I mean, if I recall correctly there was specifically a fix for Cyberpunk in one of the latest Nvidia drivers so I worry reverting will just be worse.

Oh also, fwiw I had the resource monitor open in another win to see if I could catch something and nothing. CPU was at 68% Memory usage was about 50%. Couldn't see a bar for GPU memory useage though.
Post edited December 28, 2020 by CiberX15
My computer started freezing at the time I had updated to patch 1.05 and my first thought was the patch had caused it. Later I noticed other games were crashing my system also. The screen would go black and the GPU fans would speed up.

The problem ended up being there was some dust or dirt in the 8 pin power connector or inside the socket on the GPU. After I cleaned them my computer hasn't crashed since.
sabreswordx7: My computer started freezing at the time I had updated to patch 1.05 and my first thought was the patch had caused it. Later I noticed other games were crashing my system also. The screen would go black and the GPU fans would speed up.

The problem ended up being there was some dust or dirt in the 8 pin power connector or inside the socket on the GPU. After I cleaned them my computer hasn't crashed since.
That's usually the way games are buggy as hell, but system locks are generally reserved for maintenance issues or defective interfering other components / drivers.

Most common fault over the years is people buying extremely budget SMPS sometimes not even realising due to sales deception, Ram is generally borked from incorrect installs more than failures physical visual damage, GPU varies poorly designed thermal solutions and after a year the cards memory has been tortured they start flickering and strange color flecks with deformed geometries, but SMPS is a problem those cheapo'schynas get to a point where all the voltages on a tester read great but load testing them and the voltages start acting erratically or even do a drop, Some can be fixed with a decent recapping some are fried before that time.
So for me I don't notice any fans speeding up or anything. Game just crashes at apparently random times, then 0-2 seconds later the whole computer locks. Exactly once the game crashed without locking up. That's another one of the reasons I thought it might be analytics since a crash would be an expected time for it to send a report.
CiberX15: So for me I don't notice any fans speeding up or anything. Game just crashes at apparently random times, then 0-2 seconds later the whole computer locks. Exactly once the game crashed without locking up. That's another one of the reasons I thought it might be analytics since a crash would be an expected time for it to send a report.
Windows Event Viewer see what is causing it.
Hum, looks like event viewer did catch an error at the time of the event. I don't know what I'm looking at though:

Event filter with query "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 99" could not be reactivated in namespace "//./root/CIMV2" because of error 0x80041003. Events cannot be delivered through this filter until the problem is corrected.

[EDIT] That might be a red herring though. Got it again and carefully compared times. Game and computer locked up at 2:54pm but the error was reported at 2:56pm, which was when the computer finished rebooting. Thinking that error is from something on boot up, not related to the game error.

[EDIT 2] Confirmed red herring, that error always pops on reboot, and some light reading showed that its not an issue:

So back to square one. Not actually seeing any errors for the actual crash/lock
Post edited December 29, 2020 by CiberX15
It's really unfortunate, that no one has found a solution, as I'm having the exact same problem with no issue until 1.05. Guess I'll be taking baby steps til I get to smooth operation. Have played almost 100+ hours with no issue with my rig until this. So, 1st things 1st, going to try turning off overlays.

What I will say, is that my issue seems to only occur when I'm crafting or selling, basically in the menu. Never in the openworld.

1.) Disabling Nvidia Overlay, no joy
2.) Running with Admin priveleges, no joy
3.) Disabled Precision X1, EVGA OC Software Overlay
Post edited January 15, 2021 by landomatic
Same thing here. and I can reproduce it everytime in many places:

- When i try to sell the whiskey bottles
- When I try to disassemble a specific gun

The above 2 scenarios always cause the freeze.
Almost the same thing is happening to me on the Steam version. Here's what happens:

Launch game, play for sometimes for a few hours. Game usually plays fine and rarely crashes.
Save and quit the game, then just as the Play button in Steam finishes that funny updating animation the PC freezes.
It can only be restarted with a hard reboot, neither caps lock nor num lock respond.
Interestingly when I launch this game it brings MSI afterburner to the foreground (it's always in the tray).
Initially I thought it was some clash with Afterburner, removed it from the PC and cleared it from the registry. Tried again, same problem.
Ran HW monitors on a 2nd screen, this game doesn't even tax my system the way RDR2, MSFS or DCS does, at no point is the CPU at 100%, same with the RTX2070, it's no where near maxed out either. I'm using liquid cooling on the CPU and the temperatures only peak around 68°c.
The only error I'm seeing in the logs is an unexpected disconnection of a disk that doesn't exist on my machine 'disk 06'.

Here's what I've tried so far:
Removing MSI afterburner as stated above.
Removing Nvidia Drivers, registry wipe, restart and re-installation of drivers.
Updated Motherboard bios.
Tested each previous Nvidia driver between current 461.40 and December 2nd 457.51. 457.51 gave me false hope by allowing me to close the game once without freezing the system, but on each subsequent occasion the system froze.
Tried deleting the contents of Steam\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64 as advised in a thread elsewhere, rebuilt it using integrity check, result was the same.
Went into the bios and locked my processor to 4 ghz (factory with no turbo settings), even though there is no evidence of high processor temperatures or maxed out usage, same result...
Removed and re-installed the game.
Disabling Steam overlay and closing all other programs.
Launched from the folder without Steam.
Stood on one leg and hopped in 3 anticlockwise circles around my desk as I closed the game while yelling 'Hail Satan', same result...

To those riding the 'it's your hardware' hobbyhorse so hard you've splinters in your taint, you're talking through your arseholes. Multiple users have reported this on multiple forums (I've read the threads in the vain hope of a solution), multiple users like me who run other demanding games, video editing programs etc., without issue. If my car only coughs, splutters and farts when I purchase petrol at one particular service station, it's obvious that there's something wrong with the petrol at that station, to assume otherwise would require window licking levels of special.

I have 50 hours in the game, 45 of those between launch and December 29th, it played more or less perfectly (bar the odd game crash after a 6+ hour session which didn't freeze my system). I was busy with other things for a month and returned to the game 2 days ago, installed the patches and voila, it's fucked.

I really like this game in spite of the flaws, but this is unbearable and unacceptable.

I have a couple of loose hunches, but given I don't work for CDPR (after this launch I wouldn't admit it if I did, they couldn't even torture it out of me) I'm not sure on this:

Hunch 1: Why the hell is this popping Afterburner out of the tray to front and centre? No other game or program I use has ever done that. Is the game trying to access some settings within Afterburner? This is only since I have returned to the game, so one of the January/Feb patches has caused some fuckery.

Hunch 2: I don't have a drive 06, so this has to be a virtual drive. As the game closes, is it trying to write to a virtual drive that closes as you close the game? Closing before it's finished writing to the virtual drive and thus throwing the system into chaos?

That's what I've got, a couple of hunches and bugger all else, even if it worked the way it did on launch (which was more or less perfectly for me with 50-70fps and buttery smooth performance) I would be happy. CDPR please check your patches across more systems. Any help would be appreciated.
Post edited February 08, 2021 by TheRealLaobi
+1 to TheRealLaobi post.

also turn off stuff like freesync.
Same issue. Never had this problem before 1.05. Now I constantly get hard freezes that require me to restart the PC.

I'm running the latest Nvidia drivers that came out today. I tried to re-install the old ones and still got the freezes.

Using a 9900K and a 3080. I never had this issue in any other games no matter how heavy they push the GPU.

I think I'll stop playing Cyberpunk for a while and wait to see if there are any hotfixes or patches coming out in the near future.