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low rated
so, i dont owe you anything and your attitude is that of a spoiled child at the dentist.
i guess the only help i can and still want to give you is to look at the bright side.
at least there are some games your system runs without crashing. i suggest to play these instead.
J Lo: I was legitimately trying to help you.
I was too but looks like thread owner overheated instead of his PC.

And thread owner where did you actually say your CPU is not overclocked? Even if you did not manually overclock 9900K it's usually overclocked by mainboard bios default settings.

Total shit show of a thread, very peculiar.
Post edited December 13, 2020 by jethrotuller
SGTDViper: Forgive me if this topic has been discussed and resolved before.
But I have searched everywhere for a fix and couldn't find one.

Here's the problem the game freezes and when it does it freezes my entire computer as well.
No command or key shortcut works after that.I can only reboot or shutdown my PC via the power buttons.
but even after pressing them it takes 5-10 sec for my computer to respond.
the problem was there back in patch 1.03 and it still persists even in patch 1.04 and there's no fix which I've found.

I've upgraded my GPU drivers,reinstalled Windows on my computer, installed all of the currently available windows updates.even limiting the CPU core use by cyberpunk,underclocking my GPU(no I haven't overclocked my GPU) and many more things I have probably forgotten to list.

Is there a fix for this or do I just have to wait and hope for CDPR to find and troubleshoot the problem?

Thanks for sparing the time to help me.


Here are my specs sorry

CPU I9 9900K
GPU 960GTX 4gb ram(soon to be replaced)
OS Windows 10 v20h2

Cyberpunk is on my SSD.
Are you playing with borderless windowed and without vsync? Some people report that also cause a freeze and need to reboot their PC.
SGTDViper: Forgive me if this topic has been discussed and resolved before.
But I have searched everywhere for a fix and couldn't find one.

Here's the problem the game freezes and when it does it freezes my entire computer as well.
No command or key shortcut works after that.I can only reboot or shutdown my PC via the power buttons.
but even after pressing them it takes 5-10 sec for my computer to respond.
the problem was there back in patch 1.03 and it still persists even in patch 1.04 and there's no fix which I've found.

I've upgraded my GPU drivers,reinstalled Windows on my computer, installed all of the currently available windows updates.even limiting the CPU core use by cyberpunk,underclocking my GPU(no I haven't overclocked my GPU) and many more things I have probably forgotten to list.

Is there a fix for this or do I just have to wait and hope for CDPR to find and troubleshoot the problem?

Thanks for sparing the time to help me.


Here are my specs sorry

CPU I9 9900K
GPU 960GTX 4gb ram(soon to be replaced)
OS Windows 10 v20h2

Cyberpunk is on my SSD.
Tony064: Are you playing with borderless windowed and without vsync? Some people report that also cause a freeze and need to reboot their PC.
I did try what CALLMEHOOT suggested sadly it did not work.
I will try your suggestions because I do have my game without vsync on a borderless window.
I will try your suggestion and report on it


I did try it out it happened again.
Post edited December 13, 2020 by SGTDViper
Here's a photo of of my CPU and GPU temperature at the moment of the crash(for those who are curious) that's what they are on most triple A games.
Post edited December 13, 2020 by SGTDViper
Despite what people want to believe or hear, problems like crashing are usually because of something going on with the users computer. Developers are often able to figure out how to get their game to run smoothly on problem PCs with enough bug reports. Doesn't matter if you have top grade hardware or not, you can have hardware going bad, some code floating around on your PC, or a peripheral plugged in that causes issues. For me windows updates from 103 to 1909 and causes crashing and freezing. Keep trying and run monitors.
low rated
there are to many possible reasons for system crashes at high load to trouble shoot this here. psu, memory, thermal issues, overheating and faulty hdd are the most common.
as already suggested, try to use google to find guides how to improve system stability.
motorbit: there are to many possible reasons for system crashes at high load to trouble shoot this here. psu, memory, thermal issues, overheating and faulty hdd are the most common.
as already suggested, try to use google to find guides how to improve system stability.
Do you guys not to see how stupid your logic seems.
So literally every application my PC has no problems with and yet it will have problem with cyberpunk.
If my hardware was truly degrading then WHY hasn't this shown in other applications?
Post edited December 13, 2020 by SGTDViper
low rated
look. if your system shuts down, its your system. it really is that easy.
motorbit: look. if your system shuts down, its your system. it really is that easy.
Except someone can't, or didn't, read properly. It doesn't shut down itself, OP shuts it down because it freezes and doesn't seem to recover.

motorbit: the truth is, windows has gone a LONG way since the dos based times where applications actually could crash the system.
by now its like this: an instable application will crash and youll get that message "application was terminated". anything else and there is something wrong with the system.
Yeah and guess what. This is exactly what happens in this case, too.

Except it's the game, that crashes the GPU drivers. All displays (one, if there's no others) go black. Nothing responds, not even capslock light on keyboard changes - so the whole system freezes due to the GPU driver crashing.

And, that freeze lasts for a whiiiiile. Whenever it happened to me (a bunch of times already, especially when using mirrors) I've had to wait for like, an entire minute or so, for my system to recover from its frozen state. The first two times it happened, I too thought I had to cut power and restart. But it does eventually recover, tells me my up to date GPU driver crashed and recovered, and sends a flatline error report.

And about Devs creating bugfixes - yes. The game takes the GPU driver out back and shoots it in the head. The solution is for the game to not do that. That has nothing to do with "system stability", maybe, maybe with your exact hardware being similar enough to the dev machines where it never happened. But there's more than one PC setup out there, and that's what games have to cope with and run on.
low rated
motorbit: look. if your system shuts down, its your system. it really is that easy.
BlackSun: Except someone can't, or didn't, read properly. It doesn't shut down itself, OP shuts it down because it freezes and doesn't seem to recover.

motorbit: the truth is, windows has gone a LONG way since the dos based times where applications actually could crash the system.
by now its like this: an instable application will crash and youll get that message "application was terminated". anything else and there is something wrong with the system.
BlackSun: Yeah and guess what. This is exactly what happens in this case, too.

Except it's the game, that crashes the GPU drivers. All displays (one, if there's no others) go black. Nothing responds, not even capslock light on keyboard changes - so the whole system freezes due to the GPU driver crashing.

And, that freeze lasts for a whiiiiile. Whenever it happened to me (a bunch of times already, especially when using mirrors) I've had to wait for like, an entire minute or so, for my system to recover from its frozen state. The first two times it happened, I too thought I had to cut power and restart. But it does eventually recover, tells me my up to date GPU driver crashed and recovered, and sends a flatline error report.

And about Devs creating bugfixes - yes. The game takes the GPU driver out back and shoots it in the head. The solution is for the game to not do that. That has nothing to do with "system stability", maybe, maybe with your exact hardware being similar enough to the dev machines where it never happened. But there's more than one PC setup out there, and that's what games have to cope with and run on.
You too! And in the meantime, don't power off your machine. Just wait it out, watch the clock to find out how long it takes for your machine to recover. It's probably faster to just let it sit and recover, than to force a restart. Then, you can get right back into the game and try again.

But yes, other than that, all we can do is wait for a patch, AFAIK.
BlackSun: You too! And in the meantime, don't power off your machine. Just wait it out, watch the clock to find out how long it takes for your machine to recover. It's probably faster to just let it sit and recover, than to force a restart. Then, you can get right back into the game and try again.

But yes, other than that, all we can do is wait for a patch, AFAIK.
Well I do remember getting tired yesterday when this happened And i slept for like 1-2 hours my computer still didn't load sadly.
Thanks for actually helping though :)
SGTDViper: Well I do remember getting tired yesterday when this happened And i slept for like 1-2 hours my computer still didn't load sadly.
Hmh. Tried unplugging a display yet? Like... try to either
1) Unplug all but one display before playing.
2) When it's frozen for more than 1min, try unplugging your display, count to 10, then plug it back in?

That's the only thing I did, trying to get my system unstuck in the beginning. I think I didn't have to, since it just took a while torcover on it's own, but maybe, unplugging a display may also poke at your system to get it to unfreeze?

Also, to see if your system is actually frozen, try hitting the capslock or numlock key, and see if the LED on the keyboard changes state. If it doesn't, yup that's a system freeze. If it does, that's your system working, but having "lost" its displays. Re-plugging (or manually powering on / off, depending on model of display) may help detection in that case.

But that's all I can think of for you to try until they patch it.
Post edited December 13, 2020 by BlackSun
its strange though... when my display driver crashes, it takes a few seconds untill windows restarts it, because there is a watchdog running that is monitoring in background if the display driver is responsive and restarts it if not.

here is an idea: one sometimes reads the bad advise to disable the watchdog with a registry tweak. its supposed to be a performance tweak thogh it really does not improve anything.

did you by chance disable it? this could very well result in the problem described.

in any case: an application should not be able to crash a driver no matter how buggy. the application should shout down if it encounters a problem, not the display driver. now, of couse this can happen with bad drivers and the latest gpu drivers often are not certified. so it might be worth it to try the latest certified driver, nvidia should have a download option.

and op: you really should read the definition of "spam". just because you dont agree or dont like a comment, it does not make it spam.
everything said here is in response to your issue and if you tink about it, to help you. some appriciation was in order, instead of just dismissing anything you dislike as "spam".
Post edited December 13, 2020 by motorbit