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LizardBz2: I'm not blaming anyone I'm just saying it pays to be smart with your money it's up to you if you choose to or not.

Seems to me that you are just trying to defend your bad decisions , I guess when things go wrong it's always someone elses fault though.
Omarios: Where’s the ‘bad decision’ here? Pre-ordering a game from a publisher of previously good standing, based on directly advertised and promised features?

By your logic, no-one would ever invest in property developments, finance start-up companies, purchase houses from perspective plots or underwrite certain business loans - all types of transaction based on assurances and promises from the sellers and vendors. What was that you were saying about ‘being naive on how the world works’?

It would be great if we could live completely free of financial risk in life in our bedrooms, with all food safely sent down through the basement hatch, but it isn’t so - and taking financial risk does not absolve a fraudulent company of responsibility to deliver.

If CDPR were some random, indie, fly-by-night developer then yes, you could argue ‘bad decision’. But that STILL wouldn’t change the entitlement to a refund for an unsatisfactory product - the topic of this thread.
well it's hardly as if buying a game that didn't meet your requirements was completely unavoidable, I've already told you how it could have been avoided, but you just keep playing the victim because you are obviously totally incapable to taking responsibilty for your own actions.
Omarios: Where’s the ‘bad decision’ here? Pre-ordering a game from a publisher of previously good standing, based on directly advertised and promised features?

By your logic, no-one would ever invest in property developments, finance start-up companies, purchase houses from perspective plots or underwrite certain business loans - all types of transaction based on assurances and promises from the sellers and vendors. What was that you were saying about ‘being naive on how the world works’?

It would be great if we could live completely free of financial risk in life in our bedrooms, with all food safely sent down through the basement hatch, but it isn’t so - and taking financial risk does not absolve a fraudulent company of responsibility to deliver.

If CDPR were some random, indie, fly-by-night developer then yes, you could argue ‘bad decision’. But that STILL wouldn’t change the entitlement to a refund for an unsatisfactory product - the topic of this thread.
LizardBz2: well it's hardly as if buying a game that didn't meet your requirements was completely unavoidable, I've already told you how it could have been avoided, but you just keep playing the victim because you are obviously totally incapable to taking responsibilty for your own actions.
The unfortunate part of what you are suggesting is that crowdfunding is stupid (as the wise person would not entrust a bunch of people with his money BEFORE seeing the outcome) and therefore the only games we would ever see are Assassins' Creed 36, Fallout 215, Elders Scrolls 44 and FIFA 2125. Crowdfunding certainly brought new life to the gaming industry with fresh ideas and IPs - mainline industry was flogging a dead horse at that point.

CDPR made a flop with this game and indeed you have a number of choices - refund, forgive and learn a lesson.

From my side I chose not to refund (as I have played the game indeed and to the end) but there is no way I will pre-order a game from CDPR again. Will indeed only consider it after release and reviews.
LizardBz2: A wise person wouldn't pre order a game, nor would they buy into the hype peddled by marketing departments whose only job is to sell you something no matter what state it's in.

A wise person would wait for reviews before investing their hard earned cash into something.

To all those people crying about the state of this game I suggest you wise up or you are in for a life filled with disapointment.

... just saying .
It's true that a lot of the problems with modern video games stem from pre-orders, but your attitude still sucks mate, not to put too finer point on it.

Marketing departments or no, people have still been mis-sold something and as such should *not*, under any circumstances, be denied a refund if they want one (I myself am just quietly waiting for patches - my choice).

It's very easy to sit there with your egotistically self-appointed virtues, but let me bring you back down to earth mate - There are virtues you most assuredly lack, and they are the most basic and human of all; those of compassion and empathy. That is considered inhumane and an indicator of narcism or another personality disorder.

Also, I would point out to you that nobody goes through life without being "had" at least once, and if you haven't yet then you are fortunate and/or extremely young, it's not because you are somehow smarter than the rest of the human race!

When the day does come for you, I hope someone really rubs your face in it, god knows you need bringing down a notch or two! Now kindly keep your useless and unproductive "insights" to yourself.

Post edited January 03, 2021 by Moork
It doesn't matter what you think. CDPR is an EU based company, and EU Consumer Law guarantees money back within two weeks of purchase.

If you want a refund and you are in the EU, CDPR has no choice but to comply.
LizardBz2: A wise person wouldn't pre order a game, nor would they buy into the hype peddled by marketing departments whose only job is to sell you something no matter what state it's in.

A wise person would wait for reviews before investing their hard earned cash into something.

To all those people crying about the state of this game I suggest you wise up or you are in for a life filled with disapointment.

... just saying .
Moork: It's true that a lot of the problems with modern video games stem from pre-orders, but your attitude still sucks mate, not to put too finer point on it.

Marketing departments or no, people have still been mis-sold something and as such should *not*, under any circumstances, be denied a refund if they want one (I myself am just quietly waiting for patches - my choice).

It's very easy to sit there with your egotistically self-appointed virtues, but let me bring you back down to earth mate - There are virtues you most assuredly lack, and they are the most basic and human of all; those of compassion and empathy. That is considered inhumane and an indicator of narcism or another personality disorder.

Also, I would point out to you that nobody goes through life without being "had" at least once, and if you haven't yet then you are fortunate and/or extremely young, it's not because you are somehow smarter than the rest of the human race!

When the day does come for you, I hope someone really rubs your face in it, god knows you need bringing down a notch or two! Now kindly keep your useless and unproductive "insights" to yourself.

You missed the point, I'm not saying don't invest in something I'm saying don't bitch and whine about it if it doesn't turn out how you wanted,.You have to accept that there is an element of risk involved if you pay for something before it has even been finished and therefore a decent chance you might get burned.

If you are the sort of person who is gonna throw their toys out of the pram if you don't get your own way then don't take the risk.

people can be such babies.
Moork: It's true that a lot of the problems with modern video games stem from pre-orders, but your attitude still sucks mate, not to put too finer point on it.

Marketing departments or no, people have still been mis-sold something and as such should *not*, under any circumstances, be denied a refund if they want one (I myself am just quietly waiting for patches - my choice).

It's very easy to sit there with your egotistically self-appointed virtues, but let me bring you back down to earth mate - There are virtues you most assuredly lack, and they are the most basic and human of all; those of compassion and empathy. That is considered inhumane and an indicator of narcism or another personality disorder.

Also, I would point out to you that nobody goes through life without being "had" at least once, and if you haven't yet then you are fortunate and/or extremely young, it's not because you are somehow smarter than the rest of the human race!

When the day does come for you, I hope someone really rubs your face in it, god knows you need bringing down a notch or two! Now kindly keep your useless and unproductive "insights" to yourself.

LizardBz2: You missed the point, I'm not saying don't invest in something I'm saying don't bitch and whine about it if it doesn't turn out how you wanted,.You have to accept that there is an element of risk involved if you pay for something before it has even been finished and therefore a decent chance you might get burned.

If you are the sort of person who is gonna throw their toys out of the pram if you don't get your own way then don't take the risk.

people can be such babies.
Gl trying to tell *These* people that. They are what makes game communities toxic to begin with and lets Blizzard DRM the crap out of their games while making gamers vote for it. It will be this Year, or the next and these same morons will be happily voting to have advertisements pop up during gameplay, single or online, and you will have to pay to skip them. They are going to get their bleak future, and I hope they enjoy it.
LizardBz2: well it's hardly as if buying a game that didn't meet your requirements was completely unavoidable, I've already told you how it could have been avoided, but you just keep playing the victim because you are obviously totally incapable to taking responsibilty for your own actions.
midrand: The unfortunate part of what you are suggesting is that crowdfunding is stupid (as the wise person would not entrust a bunch of people with his money BEFORE seeing the outcome) and therefore the only games we would ever see are Assassins' Creed 36, Fallout 215, Elders Scrolls 44 and FIFA 2125. Crowdfunding certainly brought new life to the gaming industry with fresh ideas and IPs - mainline industry was flogging a dead horse at that point.

CDPR made a flop with this game and indeed you have a number of choices - refund, forgive and learn a lesson.

From my side I chose not to refund (as I have played the game indeed and to the end) but there is no way I will pre-order a game from CDPR again. Will indeed only consider it after release and reviews.
I mean...there is also the "I got what I wanted" option xD
I dont look at marketing in anything, I like the game xD
I enjoy the game but the bugs can be annoying. Luckily I haven't come across any game breaking ones. I'm sorry for those that have but if you completed it you definitely shouldn't be granted a refund.
My post on the Steam Forums:

I was going on my 3rd story playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077, so far I have played 167 hours but to be honest I'm bored of the game I just uninstalled Cyberpunk 2077 from my Steam library. Night city is feels lifeless with NPC's that repeat the same scripted dialogue. The game is a buggy mess with my character doing the T-Pose when driving vehicles & the performance is horrible on my $3K PC using a: RTX 2080ti, intel core i5 10600k, 32GB 3200Mhz DDR4 ram, 1TB Samsung 970 Pro m.2 SSD.

The only reason I continued to play Cyberpunk 2077 for 167 hours- was so I could see the different story endings & get my moneys worth. Without a doubt I feel CDPR scammed gamers with all the empty promises similar to "No Mans Sky". I don't want to wait for future patches to fix a broken game(Cyberpunk 2077), instead ill move on to playing better games. Cyberpunk 2077 will be the last game I purchase from CDPR & TBH they lost any good faith they had earned from making the Witcher 3!

I already uninstalled Cyberpunk 2077 & I'm not planning on refunding the game, but this is the last CDPR game I will ever purchase, the entire thing felt like a bait & switch with so many missing in game features that were shown in the livestream 45 min gameplay demo. I don't feel it's right to have people on the forums trying to "damage control" for CDPR, I gave them $60USD for a finished game & in return all I got was empty promises & being told to wait for future patches. Future hotfix patches WON'T fix the overall issues with the entire game...
Starting to think I deserve a Refund if it's working in June I will start again cause this is some alpha level release.
LizardBz2: A wise person wouldn't pre order a game, nor would they buy into the hype peddled by marketing departments whose only job is to sell you something no matter what state it's in.

A wise person would wait for reviews before investing their hard earned cash into something.

To all those people crying about the state of this game I suggest you wise up or you are in for a life filled with disapointment.

... just saying .
It's true people shouldn't pre-order, but it still doesn't absolve CDPR. They happily took people's money and knowingly released a broken (in some cases unplayable) product.
Edit: Bugs are expected at launch, but the game should be playable.
Post edited January 04, 2021 by phogan
LizardBz2: A wise person wouldn't pre order a game, nor would they buy into the hype peddled by marketing departments whose only job is to sell you something no matter what state it's in.

A wise person would wait for reviews before investing their hard earned cash into something.

To all those people crying about the state of this game I suggest you wise up or you are in for a life filled with disapointment.

... just saying .
phogan: It's true people shouldn't pre-order, but it still doesn't absolve CDPR. They happily took people's money and knowingly released a broken (in some cases unplayable) product.
Well it's the nature of these beasts right companies are just going to do everything they can to make peoples lives miserable while projecting how great they are.

Currently I hate everything and CDPR are not even worth the time.
Whereaminow25: Cyberpunk 2077 - Windows 7 Crashed alot for the first day, Updated graphics, still crashes every hour or 2. I got over it....
I am not refunding, Even though I can barely play the game with all settings on LOWEST of the LOW.
good to know you're happy to suffer. what makes you think all people have same level of self respect?
midrand: The unfortunate part of what you are suggesting is that crowdfunding is stupid (as the wise person would not entrust a bunch of people with his money BEFORE seeing the outcome) and therefore the only games we would ever see are Assassins' Creed 36, Fallout 215, Elders Scrolls 44 and FIFA 2125. Crowdfunding certainly brought new life to the gaming industry with fresh ideas and IPs - mainline industry was flogging a dead horse at that point.

CDPR made a flop with this game and indeed you have a number of choices - refund, forgive and learn a lesson.

From my side I chose not to refund (as I have played the game indeed and to the end) but there is no way I will pre-order a game from CDPR again. Will indeed only consider it after release and reviews.
jocaguz18: I mean...there is also the "I got what I wanted" option xD
I dont look at marketing in anything, I like the game xD
Sure, if you are happy with this game then great - enjoy. I am not - it's a rather empty shell and a good, but non-replayable main storyline. To me it's a flop vs previous CDPR games...
I actually thought the game would be like the one promised I had no idea it would not resemble the promised game in almost any respect. It was a complete waste of money apart from the graphics. Surprising you can get a refund if you bought it from Microsoft, Sony or retail, and retailers but suck it up if you bought it like me on GOG. This has been a shameful time in CDPR existence all due to massive greed on the CEO's side sadly the workers get tarnished with the same brush by some. It actually let me see how naive they seemed to be from a business standpoint. Build up a business over a long time with goodwill be an oasis in the mire of odorous game companies like EA ruin longevity (profit maximization) by cash grab.
CDPR is now just a poor mans Rockstar Games
Post edited January 16, 2021 by lliam