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low rated
First of all, If you want a Refund, you were a weak gamer or not even a gamer tobegin with. All I hear is complains, and crying in all the threads. EXCEPTION is PS4 & Xbox. I have been told they don't work at all.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Windows 7 Crashed alot for the first day, Updated graphics, still crashes every hour or 2. I got over it.

Everyone should give them the benefit of the doubt, at-least for the first month or two. CD Project Red has a lot of Crap on their shoulders right now. Plot of game was Different, but it was still better than Skyrim, Fallout 4 ( SHAUNNNNNNNN SHAUNNNNNNNNN). Masseffect 2 & 3, definitely way better, their ending was so bad, the company had to come back and give it a new one.

Second, This is DRM free, ( YES the Preorder Content is DRM at the moment ) I am sure they will fix that soon. But Did they screw everyone on the game with Denuvio? NOooo they did not.

Third. Give them some time. I have never seen a game in my life, which is pretty dam long, LAUNCH without problems. Remember Hello Games with No Man's Sky, they took a while, but they more than made up for Horrible launch they got.

CD Project Red will fix the game, Just give them some time. I am not refunding, Even though I can barely play the game with all settings on LOWEST of the LOW.
Buddy, I have Cyberspunk on steam and it's a total bag of dog doo that no patch is going to fix. Pretty pictures and fancy cut scenes don't make a game.
I got it through GOG, and it runs smooth and mostly bug free. I'm rocking Windows 10 with Nvidia 970 4gb and after a little tweaking it looks good (not great), plays well and sounds amazing. Couldn't ask for more given my ancient hardware.
Yeah but its really boring
Had one crash in 50 hours, and very few bugs (floating cellphones mostly). Otherwise it works great for me.
Rangamanga: Yeah but its really boring
That too. Can't remember the last time I played one this boring.
You can go off and do your shopping while the game gets on with playing itself. Sometimes it gets interesting when it requires input but this doesn't happen very often.
Whereaminow25: First of all, If you want a Refund, you were a weak gamer or not even a gamer tobegin with. All I hear is complains, and crying in all the threads. EXCEPTION is PS4 & Xbox. I have been told they don't work at all.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Windows 7 Crashed alot for the first day, Updated graphics, still crashes every hour or 2. I got over it.

Everyone should give them the benefit of the doubt, at-least for the first month or two. CD Project Red has a lot of Crap on their shoulders right now. Plot of game was Different, but it was still better than Skyrim, Fallout 4 ( SHAUNNNNNNNN SHAUNNNNNNNNN). Masseffect 2 & 3, definitely way better, their ending was so bad, the company had to come back and give it a new one.

Second, This is DRM free, ( YES the Preorder Content is DRM at the moment ) I am sure they will fix that soon. But Did they screw everyone on the game with Denuvio? NOooo they did not.

Third. Give them some time. I have never seen a game in my life, which is pretty dam long, LAUNCH without problems. Remember Hello Games with No Man's Sky, they took a while, but they more than made up for Horrible launch they got.

CD Project Red will fix the game, Just give them some time. I am not refunding, Even though I can barely play the game with all settings on LOWEST of the LOW.
making a comparison of hello games to CDPR and then talking about giving credence and expectations.


the cluelessness. yikes

this a 4K interactive movie simulator. and it will continue to be a 4K interactive movie simulator when its 'done'.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by soma_m3ch
Well, I read your post and you convinced me to refund. I waited 10 years for this game, I can wait for CDPR to take another 1-2 years and make it what they pretended it was in their trailers.

Oh, why did I refund? Glad you asked! I paid money for a product that CDPR advertised as being one thing and that turned out to be another. If I purchased a car from a dealer and then they switched out the test drive vehicle for a car with tires that were flat, a steering wheel that didn't turn and an engine that idled rough I'd tell the dealer to refund my money too.

This isn't personal, CDPR isn't my (or your) friend and I don't owe them anything. It's business. I've played games for decades. I've seen the good. I've seen the bad. I've even seen the bad turn into the...well let's call it "modestly mediocre", like NMS or honestly great like Pathfinder: Kingmaker ended up.

Hell, I even backed Star Citizen in the Kickstarter days and honestly enjoyed seeing where that project's going (and fully accepted it may never get to the "end"). Whatever, it's the journey.

But this isn't any of those. The developer lied about the game, they lied about crunch and they didn't sell me what they advertised. If CDPR completes CP77 I'll consider purchasing it. Maybe the mod community will pull a Skyrim and make it a beautiful fun sandbox to play in (wouldn't that be something?). But for now it's an Anthem, an empty promise.

So you have fun in CP77 and maybe I'll join you there some day. They did say multiplayer will be coming right? Of course NMS promised that too....and, well, that wasn't horrible.

Whatever, it's just a game, right?
Post edited December 22, 2020 by leatherbound
Yet another fan of CP2077 talks about crying.. Why all the choombas so evil ? :D
Post edited December 22, 2020 by fedstim
No one gives a damn what you think buddy.

I got my refund and am off to buy a better game.

I'll revisit C77 in a year or two when the bugs are fixed, there's some decent mods and the additional content is released. And it will be half price.

Go simp some more.
Whereaminow25: First of all, If you want a Refund, you were a weak gamer or not even a gamer tobegin with. All I hear is complains, and crying in all the threads. EXCEPTION is PS4 & Xbox. I have been told they don't work at all.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Windows 7 Crashed alot for the first day, Updated graphics, still crashes every hour or 2. I got over it.

Everyone should give them the benefit of the doubt, at-least for the first month or two. CD Project Red has a lot of Crap on their shoulders right now. Plot of game was Different, but it was still better than Skyrim, Fallout 4 ( SHAUNNNNNNNN SHAUNNNNNNNNN). Masseffect 2 & 3, definitely way better, their ending was so bad, the company had to come back and give it a new one.

Second, This is DRM free, ( YES the Preorder Content is DRM at the moment ) I am sure they will fix that soon. But Did they screw everyone on the game with Denuvio? NOooo they did not.

Third. Give them some time. I have never seen a game in my life, which is pretty dam long, LAUNCH without problems. Remember Hello Games with No Man's Sky, they took a while, but they more than made up for Horrible launch they got.

CD Project Red will fix the game, Just give them some time. I am not refunding, Even though I can barely play the game with all settings on LOWEST of the LOW.
I would like to hear your argument while buying a car ... "oh breaks not working - a not a problem", "another color than advertised - just keep it", "you took the money for a BMW but handed over a Dacia - it's a car, who do you want a refund..."
People want a refund, because this was false advertising. If they said "this is early access, you will be a beta tester, but please pay 60€ for it" no one would comply. You would have to decide for yourself. But they did not. They said it is a finished polished game.
Transparency should of been there with the issues. I'm loving Cyberpunk myself, but that's because my experience has been very positive and not many bugs. To those that have been having bad experiences because they expected something else, they should get the product they want. It doesn't feel as polished as it should of been at release, at least to me. It's the consumer's money afterall, so they should be able to get a refund or not.
Kitsu289: Transparency should of been there with the issues. I'm loving Cyberpunk myself, but that's because my experience has been very positive and not many bugs. To those that have been having bad experiences because they expected something else, they should get the product they want. It doesn't feel as polished as it should of been at release, at least to me. It's the consumer's money after all, so they should be able to get a refund or not.
It's a rushed release for sure, I've got 92hrs in and still wandering the streets finding something different, I've got 16hrs in MK9 and it was pretty much the same game over and over and over and over after the first 2 hours I've tried to like the Mortal Kombat games but Warner Bros and their lack of support for their develops and their forced injection of Advertisements which was a 12gb patch that removed game elements and such nobody got behind that or supported that.

All the other companies out there are doing far worse and people eat it up because all those companies have shills and forum mods that ban anyone that brings a negative light to their products, CDPR acting like they don't need to defend them selves because they believe they did no wrong except that these Streamers and other shills for the other mega corps are incentivising them to do so.
Void Eclipse: Had one crash in 50 hours, and very few bugs (floating cellphones mostly). Otherwise it works great for me.
Same here, my biggest bug was not being able to change clothing after putting on a special costume.
harlekein: No one gives a damn what you think buddy.

I got my refund and am off to buy a better game.

I'll revisit C77 in a year or two when the bugs are fixed, there's some decent mods and the additional content is released. And it will be half price.

Go simp some more.
Calling him a simp might be too harsh. Maybe he really loves the game so far. It's still possible to love the game even with all it's problems if you love the setting, the graphics, the stories, the gameplay etc...