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français :
Pour ceux qui comme moi crash au début du jeu sur le logo Red Engine cette solution a marché pour moi .
J'ai une carte graphique qui me permet de l'overclocker . Je ne suis pas un adepte de l'overclocking mais cela a marché pour moi. J'ai une carte graphique AMD et je suis passé par l'utilitaire AMD Software adrénalin Edition. Dans cette utilitaire je suis allé dans l'onglet performance réglage et j'ai sélectionné cyberpunk 2077 et j'ai mis GPU overclocké. Depuis je n'ai plus aucun crash de cyberpunk 2077. J'espère que cela va en aider certains mais j'ignore si cela marche pour les personnes utilisons une carte graphique nvidia.

English (google trad):
For those like me who crash at the beginning of the game on the Red Engine logo this solution worked for me.
I have a graphics card that allows me to overclock it. I'm not a fan of overclocking but it worked for me. I have an AMD graphics card and I went through the AMD Software Adrenal Edition utility. In this utility I went to the performance setting tab and selected cyberpunk 2077 and put overclocked GPU. Since then I have no more cyberpunk 2077 crashes. I hope this will help some but I don't know if it works for people using an nvidia graphics card.
Géraldinou: français :
Pour ceux qui comme moi crash au début du jeu sur le logo Red Engine cette solution a marché pour moi .
J'ai une carte graphique qui me permet de l'overclocker . Je ne suis pas un adepte de l'overclocking mais cela a marché pour moi. J'ai une carte graphique AMD et je suis passé par l'utilitaire AMD Software adrénalin Edition. Dans cette utilitaire je suis allé dans l'onglet performance réglage et j'ai sélectionné cyberpunk 2077 et j'ai mis GPU overclocké. Depuis je n'ai plus aucun crash de cyberpunk 2077. J'espère que cela va en aider certains mais j'ignore si cela marche pour les personnes utilisons une carte graphique nvidia.

English (google trad):
For those like me who crash at the beginning of the game on the Red Engine logo this solution worked for me.
I have a graphics card that allows me to overclock it. I'm not a fan of overclocking but it worked for me. I have an AMD graphics card and I went through the AMD Software Adrenal Edition utility. In this utility I went to the performance setting tab and selected cyberpunk 2077 and put overclocked GPU. Since then I have no more cyberpunk 2077 crashes. I hope this will help some but I don't know if it works for people using an nvidia graphics card.
Same Problem on Linux... hope they'll fix it soon!
Géraldinou: français :
Pour ceux qui comme moi crash au début du jeu sur le logo Red Engine cette solution a marché pour moi .
J'ai une carte graphique qui me permet de l'overclocker . Je ne suis pas un adepte de l'overclocking mais cela a marché pour moi. J'ai une carte graphique AMD et je suis passé par l'utilitaire AMD Software adrénalin Edition. Dans cette utilitaire je suis allé dans l'onglet performance réglage et j'ai sélectionné cyberpunk 2077 et j'ai mis GPU overclocké. Depuis je n'ai plus aucun crash de cyberpunk 2077. J'espère que cela va en aider certains mais j'ignore si cela marche pour les personnes utilisons une carte graphique nvidia.

English (google trad):
For those like me who crash at the beginning of the game on the Red Engine logo this solution worked for me.
I have a graphics card that allows me to overclock it. I'm not a fan of overclocking but it worked for me. I have an AMD graphics card and I went through the AMD Software Adrenal Edition utility. In this utility I went to the performance setting tab and selected cyberpunk 2077 and put overclocked GPU. Since then I have no more cyberpunk 2077 crashes. I hope this will help some but I don't know if it works for people using an nvidia graphics card.
Manu3110: Same Problem on Linux... hope they'll fix it soon!
nVidia graphis card and linux, but to get it all up and running on the latest version I did the following.

1. Install the game with Heroic Games Launcher
2. Use GE-Proton7-41 - (Fixes graphical artifacting I had with fog/smoke and reflections)
3. Use the following launch arguments:
4. Hexedit the executable with the following command: (Fixed controller hints when using mouse and keyboard, and broken keys)
echo '2C45C6: EB' | xxd -r - Cyberpunk2077.exe
5. Renamed GameServicesGOG.dll to GameServicesGOG.dll.bak (in the bin/x64 folder) (Fixes the crash at the redengine logo)

The game itself runs flawlessly at the moment, but the DLC isn't working.
Post edited September 27, 2023 by sheepdragon
Manu3110: Same Problem on Linux... hope they'll fix it soon!
sheepdragon: nVidia graphis card and linux, but to get it all up and running on the latest version I did the following.

1. Install the game with Heroic Games Launcher
2. Use GE-Proton7-41 - (Fixes graphical artifacting I had with fog/smoke and reflections)
3. Use the following launch arguments:
4. Hexedit the executable with the following command: (Fixed controller hints when using mouse and keyboard, and broken keys)
echo '2C45C6: EB' | xxd -r - Cyberpunk2077.exe
5. Renamed GameServicesGOG.dll to GameServicesGOG.dll.bak (in the bin/x64 folder) (Fixes the crash at the redengine logo)

The game itself runs flawlessly at the moment, but the DLC isn't working.
When you say the DLC isn't working, do you mean Phantom Liberty or something else ?
The only way i can get into game is via gog galaxy play button. No other method works, otherwise it will crash on start screen. It's weird because i've installed it by an offline installer from gog website, and i have never used galaxy before.
Game worked fine on 2.0 patch but after 2.0 Phl it is like that.
I don't know if it's a bug or some kind of drm.
The 2.0 Updated version works after a full uninstall and reinstall. I only did patches for Phantom Liberty from there and got a flatline on the Red logo. Super deja vu to what happened when I tried running Cyberpunk 2077 on release day in 2020 so while I'm disappointed, I'm not too surprised. Will try again will a full uninstall and reinstall to see if that works. High hopes. Will run on 2.0 in the meantime and grind up a bit. For some reason, my download speed is terrible. Flood of players downloading the game? So I probably won't be able to know if it works til tomorrow maybe. Wishing us all luck.
DARTHORK: The only way i can get into game is via gog galaxy play button. No other method works, otherwise it will crash on start screen. It's weird because i've installed it by an offline installer from gog website, and i have never used galaxy before.
Game worked fine on 2.0 patch but after 2.0 Phl it is like that.
I don't know if it's a bug or some kind of drm.
Surely not. There will be launch issues. We just have to be a little patient. There are full runthrough videos on youtube to watch in the meantime to get a feel for what the dlc will be like. With better graphics that what I can afford. XD
Post edited September 27, 2023 by paci2020
TheDogCatcher: When you say the DLC isn't working, do you mean Phantom Liberty or something else ?
Phantom Liberty. Should probably mention that I installed GOG Galaxy through Lutris, installed Cyberpunk there and verified that the DLC files were downloaded, then copied all the files over to my Heroic Games Launcher install where I did all the modifications. Saw someone mention somewhere (either on these forums or somewhere else), that it could have something to do with GameServicesGOG.dll, but not certain.
So i have radeon rx6800 gpu, there is a new driver adrenaline 23.9.3 dedicated to phantom liberty. First time run after installation it went through start screen without galaxy fine. But on a 2nd try it crashed like nothing had changed.
I used the amd cleanup tool to remove all drivers, then I reinstalled the newest Minimal AMD drivers. I am using base game and PL. Both now work offline without Galaxy.

Update: Never Mind, It worked the first time, now back to crashing on CDPR Intro.
Post edited September 27, 2023 by davidgalazyn
It appears that patch 2.0.1 fixed the problem. No crashes on start screen anymore, and no galaxy needed. Only breaching from title screen to main menu takes a few seconds. It was instant before, but whatever.
bonjour je rencontre un problème depuis la 2.0 et le dlc mon jeux crash sans arrêt après 5 min de jeu impossible de jouer j'ai fait les mise a jour de pilote rien ne change même avec de ancienne version j'ai vérifier et réparer le jeux et rien ne change également il crash toujours après 5min de jeux quelqu'un s'aurait comment regeler le problème car même après la 2.01 sensé régler se genre de problème ne change rien merci d'avance pour votre aide .
Post edited October 06, 2023 by MONST3RxW4R