Posted December 18, 2020

I found the following post on Steam, and can confirm it works:
[i]At the beginning playing corpo when you sit it crashes. A possible temporal solution while they fix this issue is to remove this part of code...
Edit Cyberpunk2077.exe with a hexadecimal editor and search for
Change the first byte to C3 (return from the function):
Please note this fix is extremely simplistic and naïve. Moreover, it could crash the game later. This change seems to fix this crash and you can continue playing the game. I have only tested a few minutes more.[/i]
You, of course, edit the file at your own risk, but I can confirm that this seemingly disables the AVX flag and allows you to continue playing the game -- I was subsequently able to leave the bar, talk with Padre, and watch an intro movie. Again -- no guarantee that this won't screw something up later in the game, but it does successfully disable the AVX requirement and allow those of us with CPUs that are otherwise sufficient to play the game to do so.
It also puts paid to the idea that somehow a Xeon 3690 or whatever is "too old" to play this game, since the problem goes away when AVX support is disabled.
Good luck.k
Right there with you.
It seems my son had installed the EXE hack without much discussion. However, CDPR has seemingly fixed the issue along with a few other problems in tomorrows 1.05 patch.
Post edited December 19, 2020 by lexluthermiester