cLaude83: Therefore genders were removed, yes.
Furthermore, they were replaced by a system in which you can create unnatural abominations like a woman's body, a man's voice and god knows what gender, or a man's body, a woman's voice and god knows what gender.
xgribbelfix: The sex of the character is removed. Gender is not defined by what is dangling between your legs. Gender is made up by what is dangling in your head.
That whole transgender talk is nothing new or nothing special. It's talked about so much right now, because those affected by it are now able to speak out, because it is now more accepted.
Transgender/Transsexuals/Trans.../Other genders are nothing new. Lola, for example, is 49 years old. That's "only" about a transvestite, but being uncomfortable/unsure in ones gender is nothing new.
That whole making "unnatural" abominations is part of the whole Cyberpunk stuff. You are able to modify everything on your body. Cyberpunk is about unnatural abominations and how they affect society etc.
I wrote a nice detailed reply, but GOG removed it, because you are not allowed to use the correct medical English words for parts of the human anatomy [Stop censoring already CDP, you're Polish, wtf is wrong with you?!]... And since I didn't save a copy, its all gone now :"( Therefore I'll give you a short and less thorough reply, as I really don't have time to reconstruct the whole thing from memory.
Firstly, I agree with you that what Jonkers should have said was that 'sex' was removed from the game, but she did not: she explicitly said 'gender' was removed. So there is not arguing that in some sense gender (when abusing terminology in the same way CDPR do) was removed from the game.
Secondly, Jonkers is abusing the term 'gender', but so are you: gender is not "made up by what is dangling in your head". Gender is nothing more or less than a grammatical classification of nouns into three groups (male, female and neuter), as you see in almost every language. They might as well be red, blue and green, or animal, vegetable and mineral, or any other trinity (such as quark or lepton flavours). The term gender never had anything to do with the '(wo)manhood' or '(wo)manliness' of anyone or anything, until after the second world war. The only relation gender and sex have, is that names for things of (fe)male sex, tend to be nouns of the (fe)male gender.
Thirdly, the "whole transgender talk" is absolutely something new. It is not the result of some previously non-existent liberty to talk about ones sexual perversions, deviancies and disorders. It is a relatively recent concept that was not widely entertained until years after the war -- my guess is somewhere in the late 1960s or early 1970s.
Over the last few decades it has been so thoroughly promoted and pushed, that people have erroneously started to believe it is a non-issue, and that the concept is normal and has always existed.
Finally, I agree that the cyberpunk setting lends itself well to some measure of defiling of the human body, but only to an extent. Currently, we can stimulate the growth of a clitoris into a fake p.e.n.i.s, or chop of a p.e.n.i.s and sew it inside out as a fake v.a.g.i.n.a. Perhaps by 2077 we will be able to transplant functional testes and ovaries (though I doubt it), but we will still not be able to change the chromosomes in every single cell of the human body from XX to XY or vice versa. Therefore, distinguishing the two sexes will still be meaningful.
Now, let us be very lax and assume that for the purpose of a game -- which honestly shouldn't include this type of topics anyway, since it is supposed to be entertainment -- we will be able to change chromosomes en mass by 2077. Then that still only constitutes a sex change, which is still going to be mutually exclusive.
To avoid covering too much of the same ground, I would like to refer you to my discussion with Aragnarok_Rider, which starts here: