Posted February 01, 2020

Registered: Nov 2011
From Germany

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Registered: Apr 2018
From Australia
Posted February 02, 2020

Here are a few examples of CD Projekt's current trajectory and why I won't give them any more money until things change:
-CDPR removed the options to play as 'male' or 'female' from the game and replaced those with selectors for 'body type' and 'voice type' which can be mismatched. Then they lied about this having been changed.
-CDPR's official community managers on the CDPR forum and Steam are censoring any and critical questions about Cyberpunk 2077.
-GOG deleted their 23 October 2018 tweet: "Classic PC games #WontBeErased on our watch. Yeah, how's that for some use of hashtags?"
-A day later, they apologized for it: "Yesterday, we posted a tweet containing a trending hashtag as a pun. The tweet was neither intended as a malicious attack, nor as a comment to the ongoing social debate. GOG should focus only on -games. We acknowledge that and we commit to it."
Then they went full retard and fired their twitter manager at the time, Sean 'Linko' Halliday
-And finally they smeared him publicly to make sure he could not find employment at a rival dev.
-CDPR deleted their 20 August 2018 tweet: "Did you just assume my gender?"
-A day later, they apologize for it: "Sorry to all those offended by one of the responses sent out from our account earlier. Harming anyone was never our intention."
-Then CDP changed its hiring policy (also for CDPR, GOG and other subsidiaries) to artificially increase the number of female, immigrant and alphabet soup employees.
-There are rumors they also forced all their staff to go through some sort of sensitivity training.
-GOG also designed Galaxy 2.0 to be much more privacy invasive than 1.0, and is forcing everybody to 'upgrade'.
For any company I think this is absolutely egregious behaviour, but for a Polish company even more so. If you know any Poles, you'll understand what I mean. They've been through decades if not centuries of persecution and censorship, and have always rather broken their backs than bent down. Now their biggest games company stabs their ancestors and tradition in the back, by employing the same political persecution and censorship. It's an outrage.

Never accept the unacceptable.Stop evil,or be evil
Registered: Jan 2020
From Russian Federation

New User
Registered: Aug 2016
From Bermuda
Posted February 03, 2020
Post edited February 12, 2023 by lace_gardenia

Never accept the unacceptable.Stop evil,or be evil
Registered: Jan 2020
From Russian Federation
Posted February 05, 2020
what what? are you ignorant to the prevalent fallacy that "blacks can't be racist"? or have you never bothered to read any of the posts (to which you replied!) where claude demonstrates the correlation between cdp globalizing and making increasingly bad decisions?
Post edited February 05, 2020 by Viktoriya92