BanditKeith2: Agreed fully on that all..For me I never have modded Skyrim unless you count .. getting the freebies on the creation club Thing modding(I do considering it a form of modding )as Skryim special addition and Fallout 4 has creation club freebies I grab but never by them .. still For Fallout 4 I only modded in more music( I love listing to music while playing games so Fallout 3 ,New Vegas and Fallout 4 are great for me in that fact) But nothing else
As for more so on the topic of CDPR and Cyberpunkhere I do hope Cyberpunk becomes something special..Aswell as I hope CDPR learns from this scenerio they got themselves in and don't repeat it
Tracido: I mean, I'm getting into Watchdogs Legion now, (Ugh, I don't like any AAA companies, Ubisoft included) but, these horrible managers at Red messed up the real meat & potatoes. Have you even looked at a tenth of the missing features? We have new videos everyday sometimes of new aentire areas unfinished. This wasn't just some rush, this needed until 2022, and the team told them long ago. The censorship is like a fleck compared to all wrong with the game right now..
Yeah I have to a degree and honestly missing loads of content for games that was said would be in a game or implied would be is nothing new to me as games have don't that for several years now... Not that I am saying thats okay or anything.. but rather I am used to that as a whole now.. doesn't mean I agree with it or want it that way.. just that I have come to expect such anymore
Also FYI I rarely buy games new or newish.. only afew I have which with the exception of CyberPunk 2077 my exceptions on buying games new are indie games when releasted (As I want Indie games to succeed) and if they are a installment or even remake or reboot from a seemingly long dead if not just dorment ip and I want the game to succeed in sales to raise the chances of a ip returning .. so long as it is a IP I enjoy .. But outside those cases I buy games years after release unless for some reason they are deepily discounted in a year or less
Anyway Cyberpunk and CDPR is a mess right now no denying that but and I can see this as sorta a excuse when read a set way when its not meant as one.. but with gamers mad the game was elayed twice ,,,or was it three times? I can understand if some people was like'' we need to release it now because of them getting mad at the delays.. I'd say more for the money aspesct but I could see some people there wanting it out to be done with gamers mad at the delay