Maverick89: Another terrible design decision. So boring.
if you are having trouble defeating enemies, that they're just "bullet sponges".
than you are either in an area that is designated too hard for your current level or you have invested skill\perk points into the wrong areas for your type of play style.
most of the areas with hostiles are labeled "Moderate". these can be somewhat difficult during your first couple hours\levels of gameplay. but using some skills, stealth, and intuition they are an easy way to get some better gear and progress your character.
in areas labeled "Hard" enemies will be difficult for quite some time. i ran into a few higher level areas where enemies had ~3500HP and had what seemed like an infinite amount of recovery items. sneaking and sniping 1000+ HP from them with each shot still took many tries to escape alive.
like any good open world game, certain enemies are harder than others and certain areas are tougher overall.