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V4skunk: It's only getting low scores because the reviewers are sjw's that know that they'll never be a real woman.
And that ladies and gentlemen is the reason I was banned from the gwent forums

That and I wasn't checking my "Straight white male" privilege enough (Considering I'm half black!)
Post edited December 09, 2020 by fr33kSh0w2012
Anakin-Skywalker: Can yall take this stupid chat back to steam where these sorts of useless conversations are better placed? No one cares who you fuck, how you fuck or what you have got between your legs. Also no one cares if you hate people that have any of the above differently than you expected.

Shut up and take your shit back to kindergarden....
kelskats: Hey
Good post ~ slightly offensive... just shitting you. Anyway the 'crowd' says the exact same thing about VtM...too this; not enuf that....
Let the rest worry about it and we will enjoy the GAME!
100% brother - I find it funny that the line 'it's a private company they can do what they like' only works when its directed at more conservative views.

Just play the game and shut up about inclusivity - no one cares if it does or it doesn't but it just feels like the people that do are just so vocal that it sounds like everyone is interested in this non-issue, then there is a jorno somewhere that hasn't met their 'white-man bad' quota so they'll pick on this and say everyone that isn't a white straight male is upset because there aren't enough afros or you can't put a double dong on a character like you picture yourself.
Post edited February 12, 2023 by lace_gardenia
DaosMandrak: Game journalists are a joke.

They are talking about politics, racism, phobia, sexism and entiteled gamer, because... it gives outrage-clicks on their websites? Cyberpunk 2077 is a great example: "it's so transphobic". Yeah, as a customer, I want to read about gender identities instead of game mechanics.

I always watch YouTuber to get a genuine opinion about videogames. You can easily watch some gameplay and see if you like it.
There are good reviews out there IGN video review JP


text review

Offers a good impression on the game, without spoiling much, and if there was a rating in IGN's text review it would be a clear 10. At least to me this is one good one.

The only negative points this reviewer listed he found having been negative were some small bugs and that fights seem somewhat detached from the main story.

I do also prefer youtube and user reviews over gamespot and the likes. Sometimes fun to read or banging your head against a hard surface numerous times if any is within reach ... :)
Post edited December 10, 2020 by Mori_Yuki
lace_gardenia: they didn't really try very much at all
Au contraire mon cher, there has been plenty of attempt to appease the left wing activists, who are never satisfied. Is it not an option to be transgender for your main character? Is a MAIN npc, not a secondary one, but a main one, a transgender individual? Not everybody is transgender, you don't get to claim that an injustice has been comitted against you because not everybody in the game is a member of a group that in real life at best amounts to 1% of overall human population.

Again, nothing you or any other bots who have come here have said actually demonstrated that the game is either 1 transphobic 2 insufficiently trans inclusive.

Plus, why is the question only about trans people. What of short people. Shouldn't they be included? What about evil Japanese stereotypes, are they not xenophobic? What of people belonging to a variety of other minority groups and backgrounds - where's the asian representation I ask. The reason why you don't talk about them, is because you don't actually care about these issues, both because they 1 are not issues 2 even if they were you would still not care. Your job is a simple one. "Article comes out: shows you the target" "You follow through, post negative messages in forums and social media". You're a lapdog, without a brain.
Post edited December 10, 2020 by a2055
V4skunk: It's only getting low scores because the reviewers are sjw's that know that they'll never be a real woman.
That and the fact CDPR seems to have snubbed traditional reviewers (gee, wonder why?) in favour of YouTube Influencers and the like. Nobody likes being reminded of their impending redundancy.
V4skunk: It's only getting low scores because the reviewers are sjw's that know that they'll never be a real woman.
Archonsod: That and the fact CDPR seems to have snubbed traditional reviewers (gee, wonder why?) in favour of YouTube Influencers and the like. Nobody likes being reminded of their impending redundancy.
Yeah, CDPR wanted to be in with the cool kids with this one and ended up rewarding the jornos and streamers with early access and a free copy. The ones actually supporting it pay up and shut up, it's just plain stupid
Leave them to themselves, do not give them any attention. Salt can be dissolved ;)
Sylwooo: Leave them to themselves, do not give them any attention. Salt can be dissolved ;)
Or just ask them to justify any of their general (not specific, general) statements and stances. One claim that has been made is that the CP game is transphobic or insufficiently trans inclusive. Both are demonstrably false as no significant examples of transphobia that count as actual and significant hatred or ridicule has been presented, nor exists (from what any of us can tell), and we already have a positive/allied trans NPC in the game so that checks the representation box. All they can do is offer vague conclusions/arguments saying something like "oh there hasn't been enough X" but as soon as you bring up specifics, their argument falls apart.
Anakin-Skywalker: You know the motto - no such thing as 'bad publicity'

Cyberpunk 2077 has a 91 metascore rating and has been having great reviews all accross the board. One thing that has been lowering some score has been bugs, but bear in mind CDPR will be working on fixing these issues until the very last day.

One outlet however GamesBeat has given it a 6/10 because it was unoriginal. Beware of giving these clickbaiting websites any revenue with your outrage clicks, or boosting their twitter and giving them any relevance, he is already reveling on the possible attention he is getting.

Just a PSA, see you in Nightcity kids!
Just ignore them. Anytime a game is as hyped as this it's bound to attract those that just want to take advantage or want to jump on the hate train for personal gain.
JakeOfRivia93: The best one was GameSpot's 7/10.

"Too offensive"

"Not trans inclusive enough"
I guess I am too eastern european to understand this. Those people hate the very idea of artists making something on their own, without caring about "agenda". Even late medieval age was more free place for art, because Renaissance happened. I can't imagine, that nowadays something like decorating the Sistine Chapel might ever happen. Imaging some artist like Frank Frazzetta went to chapel and paints it out in his explicit and idealistic style, not going to happen in this age.
Mori_Yuki: There are good reviews out there IGN video review JP
That's right. This IGN review seems to be neutral.

People don't take IGN serious, because they released articles like "Resident Evil 5 is kinda racist, because you have to shoot black zombies in Africa" or "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. White Phosphorus is horrible and players only care about their killscores, not about civilians and victims. Gamers are ignorant".

IGN was probably smart enough to stay neutral, because Cyberpunk 2077 is widely loved.
Last year, the co-founders John Walker from Rock-Paper-Shotgun called everyone a moron, who preordered Cyberpunk 2077.
those people aren't the target audience anyway...
Mori_Yuki: There are good reviews out there IGN video review JP
DaosMandrak: That's right. This IGN review seems to be neutral.

People don't take IGN serious, because they released articles like "Resident Evil 5 is kinda racist, because you have to shoot black zombies in Africa" or "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. White Phosphorus is horrible and players only care about their killscores, not about civilians and victims. Gamers are ignorant".

IGN was probably smart enough to stay neutral, because Cyberpunk 2077 is widely loved.
Last year, the co-founders John Walker from Rock-Paper-Shotgun called everyone a moron, who preordered Cyberpunk 2077.
As silly as some of these bigger outlets tend to be at times I agree with them on that particular notion. What are people doing pre-ordering any game a year before it's out?

I pre-ordered yesterday with a far more informed view (reviews already out) on the game than I could have had a year ago.
Post edited December 10, 2020 by ToveriJuri
ToveriJuri: As silly as some of these bigger outlets tend to be at times I agree with them on that particular notion. What are people doing pre-ordering any game a year before it's out?
I pre-ordered when it became available initially. My line of thinking was that it was an ambitious project and my contribution would possibly help in some tiny way show I had interest and fund (well, invest) in the project.

I've not been disappointed in any of the CDPR games I've played in the past, so I decided to go ahead and put my money down when I could spare it at the time.

Call me crazy.