nallWhite: I would like to see this. But, I believe CP77 is an Nvidia sponsored title. So, don't see it happening. IMHO, this is one of the reasons the game has so many problems on consoles.
Sr. Chalice: CDPR has always been on NVidia's nootz for quite some time. They act as if Nvidia is the only one because like always, Nvidia love to pay money to be upfront.
Nvidia pay to cripple remember Game Works it was the biggest farce softlocking and crippling the previous generations of cards on a product release to increase sales
FALLOUT 4 and Nvidia intentionally topping out the light within the threshold of their flagship card.
Cheating on 3d mark with Driver detection and card OCing..
duplicitous lying bags of crap..
Intentional limit pushing of Tessellation in Crysis 2
There are many more games this happened to Speak with your wallets screw Nvidia but don't let it be just AMD.