Posted September 27, 2023

DRM Destroyer
Registered: Sep 2009
From United States

New User
Registered: Feb 2017
From France
Posted September 28, 2023

So just to confirm, can we now play Phantom Liberty with the GoG version on Linux ?
Note: With Wine, instead of deleting dll, use environement variable `WINEDLLOVERRIDES="GameServicesGOG=d"`
Post edited September 28, 2023 by IroAlexis

OLD User
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted September 28, 2023

1. Start GOG Galaxy and go to the Cyberpunk 2077 page in your library
2. Go to the game options, Manage Installation, and Configure
3. Switch the version to 2.0, so your game gets downgraded
4. After the downgrade is finished, go to the installation folder and back up Galaxy64.dll and GameServicesGOG.dll
5. Go back into the Galaxy client, and change the version to the latest one, so the game re-updates itself to the current version
6. Replace the two aforementioned .dll files with the older ones that you backed up from the version 2.0 downgrade
7. The up-to-date game runs perfectly now
I have no programming knowledge, so I can't offer any insight as to what changed, but the .dlls are definitely the culprits. With this fix, you'll have the most updated version of the game, Phantom Liberty working, the game doesn't have to run in Windows 7 compatibility mode, and you won't need to have the Galaxy client running. This should also be an adequate fix for getting the game running in Linux/Steam Deck, since you can just manually replace the .dll files after the game is set up.
(I don't know if it's okay to share official files here, which is why I haven't uploaded my own. It's a lot of extra downloading, but it works.)
EDIT: Eh, screw it, I uploaded the .dlls to my OneDrive. These are official files, it's not like they can be used for anything nefarious, so I don't think GOG will mind.!AnxqGoJtnN0GhlvCPgd1bxJ7l0qu?e=pSVn4e
Galaxy64.dll MD5:
GameServicesGOG.dll MD5:
UPDATE: I have a working fix straight from GOG support:
"The developers suggest that using the older .dlls might cause crashes with the game BUT seeing you have not experienced any then that is great (and lets hope it stays that way!)
BUT just in case you run into any further issues you can always try the following workaround instead:
1. Go to:
<...>\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\publishing\x64
2. Create a copy of the “GOG” subfolder next to the original one.
3. Rename the copy of the “GOG” folder to “null”
4. Go to:
<...>\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64
and delete the:
I tried this workaround myself, and sure enough, it makes the game and DLC run perfectly without Galaxy running and without reverting to older DLL files. Thanks to user Massiv for confirming that this also fixes the game on the Steam Deck!

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From Australia

DRM Destroyer
Registered: Sep 2009
From United States
Posted September 28, 2023
You mean if you use the DLLs that I uploaded? Yeah, you can just overwrite what's in the current version's folder and it should work. I would honestly do the updated trick, though, I think fewer things can go wrong that way.

New User
Registered: Mar 2014
From Brazil
Posted September 28, 2023

"The developers suggest that using the older .dlls might cause crashes with the game BUT seeing you have not experienced any then that is great (and lets hope it stays that way!)
BUT just in case you run into any further issues you can always try the following workaround instead:
1. Go to:
<...>\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\publishing\x64
2. Create a copy of the “GOG” subfolder next to the original one.
3. Rename the copy of the “GOG” folder to “null”
4. Go to:
<...>\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64
and delete the:
Post edited September 28, 2023 by jonesmalaco

New User
Registered: Jul 2016
From United States
Posted September 28, 2023
Interesting, glad you got a response. Hopefully they can address the problem with an official patch soon if they have not already done so.

New User
Registered: Oct 2017
From Poland
Posted September 28, 2023
not working for me
cdr shame on you
cdr shame on you

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From Australia

New User
Registered: Oct 2017
From Poland

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From Australia
Posted September 28, 2023

New User
Registered: Aug 2010
From United States
Posted September 28, 2023

"The developers suggest that using the older .dlls might cause crashes with the game BUT seeing you have not experienced any then that is great (and lets hope it stays that way!)
BUT just in case you run into any further issues you can always try the following workaround instead:
1. Go to:
<...>\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\publishing\x64
2. Create a copy of the “GOG” subfolder next to the original one.
3. Rename the copy of the “GOG” folder to “null”
4. Go to:
<...>\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64
and delete the:

New User
Registered: Dec 2020
From Other
Posted September 28, 2023
Any word on the timing of an official fix? Going to stick to 2.0 for now just in case messing with dlls may corrupt saves.
Disturbed that this happened on a flagship in-house title on their main platform. Please understand that people who come here are looking for a drm-free and spyware-free platform. I for one am never going to adopt Galaxy as it looks and feels like a step towards steam or xbox live. I am not and will never be interested in multiplayer as i love cheats and mods cos i suck at any real time action games (from software stuff are basically impossible for me), have limited internet access and even more limited funds so a subscription to play online is just going to be a waste of money, especially if i’m going to have to save for a new pc that can do the awesome new graphics introduced in the likes of nvidia’s newest gfx cards. Please keep cyberpunk playable on my current platform for at least 5 more years as i don’t have the luxury of upgrading to the latest flagship gaming pc so frequently. And please avoid unity-like behavior. Would appreciate a Unity label on those on your platform so i can avoid them. Love Dredge. Did not know it was on Unity. Was always worried about it’s snooping features and i fear it’s new monetizatiom policies are just a taste of things to come. Hope Dredge can successfully port to another engine asap.
Looking forward to meeting Solomon Reed as soon as possible.
Disturbed that this happened on a flagship in-house title on their main platform. Please understand that people who come here are looking for a drm-free and spyware-free platform. I for one am never going to adopt Galaxy as it looks and feels like a step towards steam or xbox live. I am not and will never be interested in multiplayer as i love cheats and mods cos i suck at any real time action games (from software stuff are basically impossible for me), have limited internet access and even more limited funds so a subscription to play online is just going to be a waste of money, especially if i’m going to have to save for a new pc that can do the awesome new graphics introduced in the likes of nvidia’s newest gfx cards. Please keep cyberpunk playable on my current platform for at least 5 more years as i don’t have the luxury of upgrading to the latest flagship gaming pc so frequently. And please avoid unity-like behavior. Would appreciate a Unity label on those on your platform so i can avoid them. Love Dredge. Did not know it was on Unity. Was always worried about it’s snooping features and i fear it’s new monetizatiom policies are just a taste of things to come. Hope Dredge can successfully port to another engine asap.
Looking forward to meeting Solomon Reed as soon as possible.

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany

New User
Registered: Oct 2011
From Germany
Posted September 28, 2023

I would give CDPR the benefit of the doubt that's just a mistake.
Post edited September 28, 2023 by ma-ver-ick.509