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34 1/2 Gig?!!! are you ****** kidding?
I'll be downloading this for days, and I suspect it's not going to fix my win7 crashing issues anyway.
Oh well, I'll try it and see and let the forum know the result.
Post edited March 29, 2021 by MrMartG
MrMartG: 34 1/2 Gig?!!! are you ****** kidding?
I'll be downloading this for days, and I suspect it's not going to fix my win7 crashing issues anyway.
Oh well, I'll try it and see and let the forum know the result.
Based on my playthrough, there was no way 50% of the game needing fixing!
No, the huge size is a mystery, but I'm pretty clueless when it comes to programming so maybe someone more knowledgable can explain why it's necessary.
high rated
With the way GOG's patching works with games, the file gets entirely replaced with the new file. So let's say there's a fix for T Pose, all those animation files? YEP they get completely replaced.

Textures that get fixed = complete replacement of the texture file(s) in question.

Text files tend to take the least amount of space in terms of replacement. You can completely rewrite segments of game code with 15-20 meg patches.

I'm not 100% why, but I do know GOG uses a system that uses more bandwidth than necessary, partly because of the complete file replacement, but also because the patches on Galaxy are just massive in general.

This doesn't directly answer your question, but at least you have some insight into GOG/Galaxy/patch sizes on both.
Thanks Timbroski, that explains a lot.
Because the game works in an archive fashion, they can either use an archive decompression/compression algorithm to edit the files in it or just give you the whole archive. It as simple as that, modern game engines can handle stream patching so if you have a 20 gig archive and you have to replace 13 files the engine will load up the archive and replace the files in real time. Unreal does this and soon Unity will as well. This patch fixed so many quests, so many scripts, it's just easier to download the whole damn game.

basically the simplest solution is to release a brand new build and scrap the old one, or as much as you possibly can.
I see, thanks Starkrun, seems like a PITA for those with bandwidth limits though.
I downloaded the new patch.
The quest "We gotta live together" has still the bug, that Carol sits alone at the table but Teddy and Bobby are placed at the wrong place.
Furthermore I thought that the functions on the F-Key could be rebinded now but I still have to edit the INI-file.
Can somebody explain to me why the installed game weights around 60GB, while the downloadable offline instaler says it weights 103GB?
Post edited March 30, 2021 by Stingy McDuck
Stingy McDuck: Can somebody explain to me why the installed game weights around 60GB, while the downloadable offline instaler says it weights 103GB?
They forgot to take out the code for all the cut content
Stingy McDuck: Can somebody explain to me why the installed game weights around 60GB, while the downloadable offline instaler says it weights 103GB?
The offline installers include all languages (CP2077 is fully voiced in 11 languages) but you choose only one to be installed. If you were to install all of them that would require the full 100GB.
Before the 1.2 patch, V’s mouth would move in mirrors when speaking (like at the start of the street kid life path) but now in the reflection their mouth remains closed? Anyone else experiencing this?
Well, spent most of the day downloading it and tried to install.
It won't, it says it needs 383 gig free to install!!!!!

This is really taking the **** at this point, it needs 6 times the size of the game free just to install a damn patch!
That's about the same size as my SSD drive (which currently has 8 other games on it)

So now I have to start from scratch and download the offline installers for the full game instead of the patch and hope that it will allow me to install that instead.

I am beyond angry at CDPR at this point, this game has been the most incompetent badly coded release I've ever come across in nearly 40 years of gaming.
Seriously wondering whether to bother at all for this game that isn't even very good anyway.
Post edited March 30, 2021 by MrMartG
MrMartG: Thanks Timbroski, that explains a lot.
No worries. Just saw your patching issues : / Sometimes I wonder why they don't do the method Starkrun describes. Would save a ton of hassle and headaches for a lot of people.
Stingy McDuck: Can somebody explain to me why the installed game weights around 60GB, while the downloadable offline instaler says it weights 103GB?
GrizzledLone: The offline installers include all languages (CP2077 is fully voiced in 11 languages) but you choose only one to be installed. If you were to install all of them that would require the full 100GB.
That totally explains it. Sucks, because I prefer to have the instaler instead of copying the files manually into a folder.