Spurt: Having trouble with a bug, played part of the tutorial up to where i was supposed to buy as much wine from bandit camp as i could. But i was being raided every couple of minutes and losing it all. I recall seeing in a tutorial message i was meant to build a stash, but didn't seem like i did. So restarted tutorial to pay extra attention and see if i missed the stash. But now it gets to that part, or where i have to put 1 shelf and 2 barrels in the loft, but the objects stay highlighted red and i can't place them. So i restarted again and the same thing. I did do it the first time around but now on several follow up playthrough's it seems bugged and i can't progress. Anyone else had this issue? Anyone know how to fix it? Thanks
In my game it works as it is intended. So i assume, there is no fix needed.
You have to put the shelf and barrels in a way, that your staff can reach them. You turn them by pressing "e".
If they are highligthed red, then it means, you cannot put them there, because something is there, or your staff is not able to reach them.
And this raidings at the beginning i had, too. At some point this guy is coming around, at this moment you are zoomed to him and you have to talk to him. Most time you have like a 50% chance, that he is smoothed over and vanished. In the other 50% his guys are raiding your wine store. So, just make sure, that there is just always just enough wine around to satisfies the customers, but not too many, in case you lose them all.
But i am still trying to figure out, how everything works, too. I am already in chapter 2 and trying to figure out how to make able to rent out rooms. I am still trying to find a kind of manual. Knows anybody something like this?