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Name of title says it. Is this possible? Has anyone gotten it? I've tried enough times now to get this, I think it's literally impossible. Enabling perks in quest mode got me close, about 3/4 of the way there. But still, you have Spideroids, the Broodmother, along with a lot of the yellow blaster spiders. Not sure how anyone is expected to get that last star on Normal and get the achievement. The main reason I point this out is it seems like a game design fluke and might need to be addressed. Maybe allow the achievement minus the last mission. Because seriously, it's nuts trying for this. I've tried keeping the Spideroids intact and waiting for zombies for pickups, I tried letting the blaster aliens do the work for me tearing apart the Spideroids, I tried to get lucky with powerups. Even when I get a few lucky shields and firebullets and freezes, I still get swarmed by everything or scraped by a random blaster hit.

The game is great, loved it since it originally came out. That final level is just plain too much compared to the rest of the game and it forces you to restart until you get one of a few good weapons. But trying for 'Not a Scratch' feels like a fool's errand. The difficulty spikes in 2.10 (which I got a star after 5 tries, doable) and 6.10 seem to make the rest of the quests just irrelevant time-filler in comparison. Oh well, back to playing Survival non-stop.
Yeah it's really hard. Half of the time I can't even pick up the weapon without getting hurt:)
Post edited August 21, 2014 by TwisterBE
Totally agree with the OP.

Not only are some of the missions really nasty but sometimes they are just barely winable if you get lucky with pickups. Sometimes you are screwed right off the bat (I frigging hate that blow torch) with some weapons that are not appropriate for the situation.

A few of the survival modes are also gimped too, especially that assault rifle one. The enemies move as fast as you and they come from all directions making manoevering inpossible. Blitz is still a great mode but the others,.......... not so much.

Dev's, the game is great but there really are some issues that need ironing out.
IwubCheeze: Not only are some of the missions really nasty but sometimes they are just barely winable if you get lucky with pickups. Sometimes you are screwed right off the bat (I frigging hate that blow torch) with some weapons that are not appropriate for the situation.
I'd agree that the vast gulf in weapon effectiveness is a big issue. About half of all the weapons are completely non-viable without specific perks boosting them (making them useless in quest mode), and only maybe half a dozen are actually good.

I find you're better off sticking with a pistol and waiting for a better weapon to spawn. So long as you carry a pistol, the odds of a new weapon spawning are significantly higher, and let's be honest: I'd rather stick with a pistol and hold out for something good than pick up a blow torch.
IwubCheeze: Not only are some of the missions really nasty but sometimes they are just barely winable if you get lucky with pickups. Sometimes you are screwed right off the bat (I frigging hate that blow torch) with some weapons that are not appropriate for the situation.
Darvin: I'd agree that the vast gulf in weapon effectiveness is a big issue. About half of all the weapons are completely non-viable without specific perks boosting them (making them useless in quest mode), and only maybe half a dozen are actually good.

I find you're better off sticking with a pistol and waiting for a better weapon to spawn. So long as you carry a pistol, the odds of a new weapon spawning are significantly higher, and let's be honest: I'd rather stick with a pistol and hold out for something good than pick up a blow torch.
Didn't know weapons still dropped if you held onto the pistol, thanks for the heads up there. For the levels where you aren't swarmed right away, I'll definately keep this one in mind but in others you simply just can't hold onto the pistol. In some levels, the enemies move too fast and in others, you just surronded unless you have a weapon that can give you some breathing room.

Maybe an option to toggle possible weapon drops (that you've already unlocked of course) in quest mode might remedy this problem. On the hardcore mode, I really do not want to be picking up trash like the blow torch, assault rifle, sub machine gun, any ion weapon (except for the ion cannon) or any plasma weapons (except for the plasma shotgun and plasma cannon)
IwubCheeze: any ion weapon (except for the ion cannon)
Ion Shotgun is fine. It's on the weak side, but its favorable interaction with the fire bullets powerup means you just need to get lucky with powerups to do well with it. This makes it better than a lot of the mediocre weapons.

Also, strangely enough, my highest survival score is with the 3-way ion rifle. I got lucky with perks (long-distance runner, bloody mess, bonus magnet, bonus economizer, and telekinetic iirc; arguably the best possible perk combo) and was able to rack up some serious score.

I've actually been having a lot of success with the missile swarmer. Take the stationary reloader perk and some clip-size increases and this thing just fills the screen with missiles. My longest-surviving time was with this combo, using stationary reloader, quick reloader, my favorite weapon, and ammo maniac. 11 missiles per volley, roughly 5 volleys per second. If I managed to get bloody mess, it would have been my highest score by far. So far it's the only weapon/perk combo I've found that's so strong that I want to avoid fire bullets because it makes it weaker.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by Darvin
Darvin: Ion Shotgun is fine. It's on the weak side, but its favorable interaction with the fire bullets powerup means you just need to get lucky with powerups to do well with it. This makes it better than a lot of the mediocre weapons.

Also, strangely enough, my highest survival score is with the 3-way ion rifle. I got lucky with perks (long-distance runner, bloody mess, bonus magnet, bonus economizer, and telekinetic iirc; arguably the best possible perk combo) and was able to rack up some serious score.

I've actually been having a lot of success with the missile swarmer. Take the stationary reloader perk and some clip-size increases and this thing just fills the screen with missiles. My longest-surviving time was with this combo, using stationary reloader, quick reloader, my favorite weapon, and ammo maniac. 11 missiles per volley, roughly 5 volleys per second. If I managed to get bloody mess, it would have been my highest score by far. So far it's the only weapon/perk combo I've found that's so strong that I want to avoid fire bullets because it makes it weaker.
Having picked up the ion shotgun again, I'm inclined to agree with you, it wasn't as bad as I originally thought but it still wouldn't be my weapon of choice, especially for quest mode. Kudos on your top score with the 3 way ion rifle though, I really hate that gun because of the high spread and low ROF. Except for the ion shottie and ion cannon, the ion weapons just blow. On my high score list, the highest ranking I got with an ion weapon was with the ion minigun at a paltry 92000 odd points. BOOOOOO!!!!!!!

My highest score was with the jackhammer but i tend not to like that gun because of the long reload time, can't remeber if I had the fast reload perk that game though. Apart from the fluke with the Jackhammer, my most reliable weapon was the swarmers as well though I have had moderate success with the rocket minigun. Oddly enough, I also tended to do quite well with the HR flamer. One game I had that gun with the pyromaniac perk and was doing really well. that is until I proceeded to cut my way through through a mob to get a shield and nuke lying next to each other but one of the enemies dropped a submachine gun right in front of me as I was plowing through them. This royally screwed up a potential top 10 high score. The submachine gun is now my most hated weapon (1st place will always be for the blow torch). ;)
I like the ion shotgun and 3-way ion. They are both in my top scores on blitz. I usually take poison bullets just to take out those multiplie on death spiders. I don't play regular survival but i'm guessing it would be pretty much the same.

I really hate how the new telekinesis works. In the old version you just had to hover with the mouse over the powerups.

And I still haven't managed to get 'not a scratch' on this level:(
blitz.jpg (32 Kb)
According to this, it should be possible:
I noticed that you just need 100% of health at the end of the quest to get your star. So perhaps a way is enable perks, get [greater] Regeneration and wait a little at the end of the level when few monster are still alive?
Yes, it is possible! See the proof :)
done.jpg (212 Kb)
thestar.jpg (154 Kb)
etb: Yes, it is possible! See the proof :)
Just unlocked it too.
I finally caved and used grim to unlock the perks.
After the third try I got some nice perks: Regen, Greater regen, poison, ...
etb: Yes, it is possible! See the proof :)
TwisterBE: Just unlocked it too.
I finally caved and used grim to unlock the perks.
After the third try I got some nice perks: Regen, Greater regen, poison, ...
So basically you gotta cheat the system with regen perks. Sad that's the only way to do it by using the GRIM menu but that's how it is. Yeah I beat this level with only one or two hits at most but never thought to regen my HP to 100% for achievement. Proven possible, but not truly a legit 'not a scratch' like I did with the rest of the game.
I got it once also without Perks, but I got lucky since a Medikit appeared after I defeated the Spideroids and the shooting spiders. Again, I think it is not really _legit_
Post edited September 20, 2014 by etb