I bought the game on the hope that your advice would make it playable
"At the start of the game, straight away send your 2 foremen out somewhere, leaving 2 workers who aren't in a work gang in your HQ. Grab these guys quickly, and march them over to the enemy plot. Before the computer has completed either of his 2 buildings, stand a worker on each plot. The computer cannot build while one of your workers is "squatting" on his worksite. The buildings will eventually blow up from not being built, by which point you can either send more workers to squat, or consider that a sufficient head start."
Here are my results so far: when the game starts up, there are a couple of black clad worker types (plumbers or something) and what I think are foremen wearing brown, in the yard. Might be some green clad workers there, also.
You say to send the foremen out, then go to the HQ and get the workers who are not in a work gang.
Here's the problem: as soon as I have the foremen move, a stream of workers come out of the HQ and follow them.
Maybe not a big deal, but evidently there are some kind of rules in the game as to who you can move, and how. I'm not there yet. This game practically screams for an interactive tutorial, IMO.
Next, I try to individually select a couple of workers and send them to the north to squat on the enemy plots.
Here, first problem: what does a plot look like, and how can I tell that it belongs to the enemy? When I click on what looks like ground tilled up for farming, an nasty blast of noise happens, and an angry red circle with an MINUS symbol appears on the mouse pointer.
Next, second problem: it has been literally 10 seconds since the game started, and the enemy has ALREADY FINISHED at least his lumber mill!!!! Once when I tried this, he had both a lumber mill and a cement factory already up by the time my workers had arrived.
The game manual warns that this is a frustrating game, but COME ON! The hyper-mega speed of the enemy is just insane. Cheats, and lots of them, are needed here.
bearcat22: I disagree about the definition of flawed.
A game is flawed if it fails to entertain. Some players enjoy frustration, others despise frustration. A game is flawed if it fails to accomodate ALL levels of player.
Vestin: A game is "flawed" when there is something wrong with it.
I believe that entertainment is only one of the factors involved in making a good game. It's crucial, but it also doesn't have to be "cheap".
You have to make an effort in order for it to be enjoyable.
A game is not like a juggler brought before your countenance or a cheap hooker that has to give you pleasure just because you spent a few bucks... it's more like an enchanting lady that gets more enticing as you get to know her.
The more you know most women, the more you wish you'd never met them. I'll take a hooker any day. Same with games. I'll take smooth play over "fascinating bugs" and
"challenging" (aka lousy game balance).