Posted July 22, 2009

I've been looking at reviews and articles trying to confirm how CMR2005 uses game controllers and I cannot get confirmation that it is XInput. It is at that age where it could be DirectInput or XInput. If it's DirectInput then the Xbox360 controller triggers will be mapped as one combined axis and so at 50% when neither are pressed, which is not good for driving games. If it is XInput then it'll work fine.
DIRT, on the other hand, is a confirmed XInput game and so works fine with the 360 controller.
Yes, the accel and brake could be mapped to buttons, like the shoulder buttons or A and B, or similar, but I prefer analogue triggers for accel and brake as it gives a better control over speed.
If DIRT was on GOG then it'd be a definite buy, but as it's 2005 I'm not so sure. If I can confirm that it'll work fine with my 360 controller, using the triggers as they are meant to be used, then I'll get it. If not then I won't, as I don't want it to give a bad impression in case I ever get DIRT in the future.
I can't find any info on any website to confirm the details, however, not even the Codemasters site. Can anyone point me in the right direction if they know how it handles XInput controllers?