Fenixin: Some more feedback:
I've been playing a lot this weekend in two computers. One is a Windows XP 64 bits box and the other one is a Windows 7 64bits. In both computers the experimental patch works out of the box but there are some small problems:
- The motor sounds of all the cars seems to be broken, and more when there are more than one car near.
In the main menu,go to settings and bring down the Sound Detail to Medium.Worked for me in the past.
Fenixin: - There's no way to change the vol. of music and game sounds. In the menu says "use the windows mixer", but I think you can't disable game sounds and let the music play.
Sadly you can't.
Fenixin: - When driving uphill the camera shakes, or maybe the textures shake, it something very small but really strange.
Sadly that's just how Direct Draw (ddraw.dll) renders.Untill hifi (Not gog as people tend to think made the ddraw patch for carma95.exe) can figure out how to stop that problem,just constantly switch from the Third Person camera angle to First Person.Saved me ALOT of headaches.
Fenixin: - If you minimize the game while playing in fullscreen, it will hang when restoring the window, this happened to me in both PC configurations.
I haven't tried this yet,but you could try Holding Alt and pressing Enter to bring it to a window and see how going off focus and back on focus works.