redindus: While playing as Japan and on Earth World or scenario, dealing with Korean and manage to take a city and disband it due to poor location. There were a farm nearby and next few turns I manage to pillage it and CTD.
I think if you pillage something that is outside of the zones, it may CTD, so idk what the hell happen here.
Have anyone run into something like this? Or even any other bugs you want to share with us??
So first problem:
Yes this is a known bug and easy to explain: When you remove the city all tiles around it a set to owner 0 (barbarians) and they are not supposed to have improvements. But this normally only happens if your ZOC is not longer over this improvement.
redindus: Using Win8.1 64 here and my pc wont let me choose 16bit/800x600.
I have Nvidia Geforce GTX 660, very good graphic card even now. So the minimum setting is 1024x768 and yes it can choose 16bit, but not 800x600 manually unless the system manage to over come that. Most of my older games does.
I'll try to dig up some information, but normally you can override this, if you either uncheck a box called "show only supported resolution' (or similar) or if you change the .if file of the graphic-card and put this mode in manually. For using a lower resolution there is NO risk for the monitor, only with to high settings (Yes you might get a garbled screen though). But as you said you have other games using 800*600 so no risk at all, just driver issue ;)
I just checked, I can run the game even in 1920*1200-mode? Why are you trying to use 800*600?
If it is about changing it manually from outside the game, you can do so in the
\Call To Power 2\ctp2_program\ctp
and there is a file called
in there you find
You can change it at least too 1024* 768