thefifthhorseman.229: You'll probably want to check out Terminally Uncut, it's something of an upgrade: IntegralUncut and UncutMod are fairly rough (some of those edits look like they were done in MS Paint and I'm not kidding!) and occasionally "decensor" GGG symbols that were actually supposed to be there. TerminallyUncut uses actual console textures for the unique bosses and where the console textures were lower rez, it merges their uncensored parts with the PC textures in other places so that the resulting image is uncensored without losing too much detail.
Damn. Sucks that I've played through the original game before this came out. But all the more reason to play through the Terminal Cut now :D
Also, what is the 3rd downloaded file ""? Is it the uncensored textures for the Terminal Cut? Does it get loaded along with the POD file?
EDIT: Noticed in the readme, that it mentions the console textures had half resolution and may have noticeable pixelation in-game. How much are we talking about? Is it really noticeable or do you have to look for it? You mention that the original uncut mods look like they were made in paint, but I didn't notice anything terrible (or out of place like pixelated compared to the surroundings) when I played with it (IntergalUncut).
And bonus question, could they be upscaled?