tofuti: I got it working!
The IRQ was different. My IRQ was set to 7, in the DW conf file it was 5!
*Also I got that BMOUSE thing maybe that has something to do with it.
lhugunin: Alright, so now im having a problem with this and none of this has worked. What is IRQ?
It's the hardware Interrupt Request address that used to be important to know when you had to configure jumpers on a sound card to make it work right. Don't worry about it.
In your dosboxBloodDW.conf it is listed as "irq=5" on line 102.
In your blood.cfg file it is listed as "BlasterInterrupt = 7" on line 44.
Honestly, just copy the contents of your Death Wish 1.3 folder into your Blood folder, and then open up both your dosboxBlood_single.conf, and change it so it looks like this:
# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
mount C ".."
imgmount D game.ins -t iso
# blood.exe
If you don't have BMouse.exe in your Blood folder. Just remove "BMOUSE.EXE LAUNCH" from the line, so it just reads: BLOOD.EXE -ini dw.ini
Save and then just launch blood as you would normally.
To change it back just comment out the BMOUSE.exe line with the "#" and remove it from your blood.exe line
Looks like I caught you in the middle of a post edit.
Change your One Unit Whole Blood.lnk file back to the default shortcut locations:
Target: "C:\Games\One Unit Whole Blood\DOSBOX\DOSBox.exe" -conf "..\dosboxBlood.conf" -conf "..\dosboxBlood_single.conf" -noconsole -c exit
Start in: "C:\Games\One Unit Whole Blood\DOSBOX"