ChipChipperson10: I want to change the resolution to 1280x1024, but if I change it to anything higher than the default (320x200) the frame rate lowers and the screen bugs out.
What is the solution?
You are going to get a frame hit with DOSBox but it should be playable at 1280x1024.
Styxmaster addressed this a while back with his
guide for the YKHWong DOSBox build. The guide is a little dated now, you don't need to get his nightly build anymore, just get the latest version. Everything else is pretty sound though.
If that really doesn't work for you, you can try configuring VirtualBox with FreeDOS. I was able to get 125-300 FPS on an i5 that is a few years old. Unfortunately, I had no luck getting any of the muisc to play, either CD audio or MIDI.
Edit: fixed URL