LouisCyphre: First part: I right clicked, Properties, it didn't allow me to change the path.
On your Shortcut tab, there is a section labeled "Target:" The information in this box may vary between your system and mine, thus I included an [
install path] placeholder. I apologies for the confusion.
Just to explain what is going on within "Target:"
You probably see something like: "C:\Program Files\GoG.com\Blood\DOSBOX\dosbox.exe" -conf dosboxBlood.conf -noconsole -c "exit", or you did before you took out -noconsole as directed earlier.
The first part: "C:\Program Files\GoG.com\Blood\DOSBOX\dosbox.exe", tells windows "This is the application I want to run." Now, each exe file, or even scripts can be given specific options to launch with, these are called the "Command Line Parameters" and they are what the -conf, -noconsole and -c switches represent. Together, they tell Windows "I want to run DOSBox with these options."
When Blood, or Redneck Rampage crash on you, if you have the -noconsol, and -c "exit" parameters set in the target of the shortcut, DOSBox just assumes you are done with the application and will close itself out, so you observe that it just crashes to the desktop. If they were not there, you might be presented with a flashing C:\> prompt and some sort of statement like "src\sound.cpp(516): Playback failed, possibly due to an invalid or conflicting IRQ"
We are trying to determine the nature of the crash, and if DOSBox just closes itself out, you won't get a chance to see if there are any clues as to what is going on.
LouisCyphre: Second part: I don't know what you mean by 'exit' statement? I didn't see Exit if that's what you meant.
"exit" is a command line statement that will close DOSBox, if it was there under [Autoexec], it would execute at some point and would still cause the same result as the -noconsole and -c "exit" switches, I mentioned before.
In your dosboxBlood.conf file, under the [autoexec] section at the bottom, you should see something akin to:
mount C "."
imgmount D game.inst -t iso
You might want to remove the "@echo off" statement if it is there, you can comment it out with a "#" symbol so you can restore it when you are done. the same thing with the "cls" and "exit" statements. These will all obfuscate what messages are displayed at command prompt.
so you will have:
mount C "."
imgmount D game.inst -t iso
# cls
# exit