xxxIndyxxx: Unfortunately, AFAIK the skyboxes never looked different in GDX. If there is a fix then i would like to know as well, it's one of the few annoyances I have with gdx (and the stutters without vsync off or the tearing with limit on)...
EDIT: scrolling through this topic I complained about the skyboxes before.... and I got them to work in previous versions apparently but every time I updated GDX they broke again so I have no idea at this point. I can confirm that with the latest version I still have the broken skyboxes...
I saw you mention the skyboxes earlier. I did wonder if we had the same problem. You mentioned them turning too fast with the player. That seems to be happening for me too. I take it your skyboxes are these bands that just end in mid-air like mine? I'm sure I saw somewhere, something about 3D skyboxes, but I can't for the life of me find any links except a Youtube video showing them off. Maybe they would help, or one of the upscaling packs.
Blorgx3: fresh supply added a bunch of new voxels that weren't in vanilla, zombie barrels among them. look at my post above for a guide to copying them over from fresh supply for use in GDX.
I have the original DOSBox version that GOG first sold. I'm afraid my potato might have problems with Fresh Suplly due to Opengl requirements. If I can import them over though, it might be worth considering in a sale. I read somewhere that new voxels were being made for GDX, so I might see where that goes first.
Thanks for the replies and advice guys, I appreciate the effort.