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I got each character to have their own specific weapon to start with when you begin a new game. Caleb's got a double barrel shotgun, Ophelia's got a beretta, Ishmael's got the Orb, and Gabriella has a minigun.
johncrystal00: I got each character to have their own specific weapon to start with when you begin a new game. Caleb's got a double barrel shotgun, Ophelia's got a beretta, Ishmael's got the Orb, and Gabriella has a minigun.
mu huh huh ha haaaaa...........
This is more then likely the final feature list for version 4 of my mod:

Fire FX for burnt flaming characters and fire rising up out of burn barrels looks like the one's used by the Red Divine Zealot's projectile when it hits the wall.
Grenade Launchers now use 5 rounds per shot instead of 1.
Bug Buster uses 2 rounds for the secondary attack instead of 5 and both fire modes only shoot 5 projectiles now.
The Minigun's primary attack is now the same as the original primary fire, it does not have any spin up, and it has a 1 second wind down.
The Minigun's secondary attack shoots twice as fast as the primary fire mode, it has a 1.5 second spin up, it uses 4 rounds per shot, and it has a 3 second wind down.
The Sniper Rifles damage rate has been increased by 10 points to allow one to be able to kill a Shikari with 1 shot, and it's fire animation has been sped up by removing the manual reload animation after every shot.
The Tesla Cannon's primary fire rate has been doubled.
Tweaked the Cultists', Fanatics', and Civilians' AI using the Shikari's AI values for reference.
Increased the Napalm Launcher's damage rates.
Increased the Howitzer's damage rates.
Reduced Gas Grenade's Timer to 2 instead of 3, and also made them do fire damage instead of explosion damage.
If you start a new game each character starts with their own designated weapon:
Caleb - Double Barrel Shotgun & 100 shells
Ophelia - Beretta & 200 Bullets
Gabriella - Minigun & 200 Bullets
Ishmael - The Orb & 400 Focus
The Bug Buster now does acid damage on characters.
Knife damage has been increased.
Post edited January 12, 2012 by johncrystal00
Most excellent good sir. I look forward to the release!
I'll upload tomorrow.
I just realized I forgot to take care of something before I upload the new version of my mod. So I won't be uploading today. I need to fix the problem with the Orb not doing damage to the Robed Cultists in the Nightmare Levels.
johncrystal00: I just realized I forgot to take care of something before I upload the new version of my mod. So I won't be uploading today. I need to fix the problem with the Orb not doing damage to the Robed Cultists in the Nightmare Levels.
let us know if you need beta testers :D
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Is looking for a reason to play through the game again. HURRY!

Just kidding man, take your time and do it right :D
ILiveAGAIN: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Is looking for a reason to play through the game again. HURRY!

Just kidding man, take your time and do it right :D
I intend too. I think it has something to do with the FXEnhancer settings. It was never made to work with the Nightmare Levels and so whatever changes he made to the orb projectile didn't carry over for the robed cultists. So I'm gonna set them back to the vanilla settings without loosing the changes I made to it. That should fix it.
ILiveAGAIN: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Is looking for a reason to play through the game again. HURRY!

Just kidding man, take your time and do it right :D
johncrystal00: I intend too. I think it has something to do with the FXEnhancer settings. It was never made to work with the Nightmare Levels and so whatever changes he made to the orb projectile didn't carry over for the robed cultists. So I'm gonna set them back to the vanilla settings without loosing the changes I made to it. That should fix it.
Is that true for all versions of the FX Enhancer, including the older ones? My guess would be that it is.

EDIT: speeling
Post edited January 13, 2012 by zZaRDoZz
I believe it was only made for Blood 2. That's why I always used the Darkact mod because it supported the Nightmare Levels. But FXEnhancer was so much better.
johncrystal00: I always used the Darkact mod because it supported the Nightmare Levels. But FXEnhancer was so much better.
Dark act and its shogo style Blood stains? You no like?? :*(

I always wondered what the big draw was with FXenhancer. I could understand it from a multiplayer perspective, but why sp? Lots of people feel that way btw- I'm just curious.
johncrystal00: I always used the Darkact mod because it supported the Nightmare Levels. But FXEnhancer was so much better.
zZaRDoZz: Dark act and its shogo style Blood stains? You no like?? :*(

I always wondered what the big draw was with FXenhancer. I could understand it from a multiplayer perspective, but why sp? Lots of people feel that way btw- I'm just curious.
I love the damage skins. I tried to add this myself but I just don't know how they coded it to work. I even looked into Shogo's source to figure it out. The FXEnhancer had better weapon tweaks. That's about it. Is the source for Darkact available anywhere?
zZaRDoZz: Dark act and its shogo style Blood stains? You no like?? :*(

I always wondered what the big draw was with FXenhancer. I could understand it from a multiplayer perspective, but why sp? Lots of people feel that way btw- I'm just curious.
johncrystal00: Is the source for Darkact available anywhere?
Not that I know of. Guss was one of the few who could rework Shogo's code so that it would work with B2. Blood2 retail does have a few fx that are similar but rarely seen or thought of. One is the fire damage skin but that's just one skin that's universal. Still, it does show that the code for a post death skin is available. The other is the huge decal left by the alt-fire howitzer. It works completely reverse of what the dark act stain maps do, appearing sudenly and slowly shrinking to nothing where D A stain maps grow slowly.
That sucks. I emailed him but his address is no longer used. I can't figure it out the damage skins at all. I've done everything that I can think of. Oh well. Maybe it'll get added in the future somehow. I'll upload the newest version of my mod either tonight or tomorrow. There's enough new features to enjoy.