johncrystal00: Your pictures prove nothing. You lie too much as it is. The only concrete evidence would be an actual release for us to play with.
Since you seem intent on derailing your own thread, then maybe I should release the FX Enhancer mod and call it "my mod" just like you've done. I could even add a stolen Psycho Circus map as an added bonus just like Joe did. I was nice enough to reply to your emails begging for help, and in return you've done nothing but attack me and piss me off.
I've released hundreds of sceenshots and over a dozen videos to demonstrate my work. I was even nice enough to release a very early alpha once, and a lot more work was put into that old relic, then this recycled "mod" of yours. There's never been any evidence whatsoever that I've ever lied about anything. In fact I've been forced to go out of my way to provide facts and evidence, just to make people aware of the truth. These ludicrous attacks and lies have been consistently disproven with actual facts and evidence. But even after I've proven the truth repeatedly, this ranting delusional nonsense is still being repeated over and over by lunatics, just to try to do further harm and cause even greater destruction. I've now had to go to the extreme measures of archiving my mod on moddb just to prevent any further attacks.
After all of the destructive lunacy that I've had to put up with over the past few years, tell me what possible incentive I would have to release anything at all to ungrateful attacking lunatics and fools, like you and Joe, and Corbin and crew? Are your relentless destructive attacks supposed to encourage me into rewarding you with a nice present? If anything I've become so pissed off at this never ending nonsense that I feel like simply walking away from it all. I don't owe you a damned thing, my friend. I was nice enough to reply to your emails and even now you still continue to attack me. You don't deserve a moment of my time let alone to be rewarded with an enjoyable Blood project. I will release my work when and if I feel like it, and certainly not if you and your deranged friends continue with these destructive attacks.
But isn't it nice how much destruction has been done by lunatics and imbeciles once Corbin arrived with his appalling history of lies and lunacy? You can all continue on your path of destruction until the entire Blood community is destroyed because there seems to be very little I can actually do about it. I'm sure that everyone will thank you all one day for all of the harm and destruction you've done.