Prian: For me, the main problem with that behaviour is from GOG´s side. How can they let them be treated like this from the dev´s of too many games?
The second-class treatment of GOG-Customers could be avoided by reasonable contracts, which specify the patching of products. Cause this is unbearable. In some cases there are games where DLC´s are missing and / or patches never coming.
For what I've seen many times is not the dev's fault, but the publisher's, but yeah there are devs that care little for GOG. I just hope this ends sow we can enjoy the games we love and appreciate the devs that make those games.
The patch has finally come, and I am very grateful for it even if I've got the game also in Steam (I preferred here more). Knowing that the devs haven't forgotten of GOG gave me peace, something I can't say for a small number of games...