joehtosis: They have nothing to calm down from, they're expressing disappointment, you're being dramatic.
They're perfectly within their right to feel scorned, free as it may be, those of us who decided to buy the game under the pretense that the DLC would be included have still been misled and that's something worth acrimony.
Nickcronomicon: Calling me dramatic when someone claims te be 'disrespected by devs' for not delivering their free cookie on time. Whatever. It'll be here soon and I'm patient enough to not be obsessed by it.
I'm not the one invalidating others experience based on my opinions, nor making it an emotional issue lol (at least in so far as asking people to calm down is emotional).
No one asked you to play babysitter and monitor customer feedback. Sorry if that offends you, but it's just how I see it.
"People buy the game for dirty cheap, DRM-free, updated offline installers and still find a way to complain"
"free cookie"
Nice, glad you both ignored the rest of my post and the crux of my argument lol, I'll do the same with yours.
yoones: I'm here waiting too, but hey I guess if you choose to buy it here, it was for a reason.
I'm disapointed, not by gog, nor the devellopers, but by the number of people who keep buying on Steam just because they can't wait, thus not helping getting the market back to what it was.
Certainly a fair point.