For Planet Strike I like new graphics for weapons and wall textures (later modded and re-used in Rise of the Triad: Dark War), also shadows and lighting effects are improved, often you feel like in abandoned desolate building full of mutants that want kill you, however design of these sections, the levels are simplified, large areas or cramped corridors - Aliens of Gold while re-used assets through episode had more creativity in feeling you pushing forward real tech bases, underground complex, space stations - every episode has distinct feel to it while introduce new set of graphics, different floor layout and enemies, like 6 games in 1.
If you follow authors idea, Aliens of Gold is first step into making different game than Wolfenstein 3D and they succeed while Planet Strike is completed, finished idea for that different game, perfected formula obviously with trying something new and some flaws to it being so unlike first, more classic type of gameplay cleansed from Wolf raw/crude.
Post edited July 04, 2015 by HenitoKisou