gagcom: Soundtrack and DLC are cut content.
The_Puppet94: Ok I see. I can agree with you on the "DLC" point. With this few information at the time, the DLC smells for me like an Paradox interactive practice, selling you everything in an DLC package.
The soundtrack however is for me a diffrent story. You buy a game and you really like the music? Great but the music is extra. And if you don't want to buy it, go to youtube, I am sure the soundtrack will be there rather sooner than later.
It doesn't feel like "cut content" since the music is
in the game. Let me explain it on an example. I don't know if you ever heard of or played Hollow Knight . The game is reasonable priced at €12.59 (some would argue it is a steal for the amount of content you get there). The game is available in the base version where you "only" get the game (and all DLCs where added for free thank you Team Cherry) and a Hollow Knight + Soundtrack version for €23.19.
So you pay almost €10 extra for the soundtracks, but believe me if you ever played the game you would never feel like content was cut if you "only" got the base version.
So for the sake of your argument I wouldn't inculde gamesoundtracks, since they are indeed an extra goodie imo.
Soundtrack is not extra content. You already have files on your PC. Soundtrack is being played while you play the game. When you decide you want to play soundtrack outside the game you forced to pay more money. Pure scam that is being approved by GOG.