Posted May 03, 2019

Kiva is also a skilled game designer responsible for bringing some depth (and some brutal combat) to the game, as you can see in posts on the official forums. I'm glad she was hired.
The blond hair thing was annoying, but the idea that the creators of Battletech were being racist against themselves is laughable. Like, 'Katherine Steiner-Davion is a pure-hearted virgin' laughable.

Also, to be clear, kiva is not the lead dev - or a dev at all for that matter. He is a designer, and not a very good one since he went out of his way to incorporate his SJW politics into the game instead of just sticking to the source material & lore.
Yeah slightly tangential to topic, only mentioning because I checked out the twitter feed after the reply a few messages up. She's definitely a hard-core militant anti-CIS crusader - messages are filled with crap about "white privilege" and ways to argue against CIS people (which incidentally tends to involve immediate blocking as opposed to arguing based on logic).
The simple solution for people like this would surely be to: 1) When transitioning, make some effort to actually look like the gender you're transitioning to, and 2) Just live as that gender, instead of proudly mentioning that you've done this "transition". Most people couldn't care less about someone's gender, whether as game devs or whatever - just let your damn work speak for you, instead of going "Hey look how trans I am! Behold my extra pronouns!".
Post edited May 03, 2019 by squid830