rebeldad: I had to reinstall the game and now the game crashes on start up. So uninstalled again and deleted all its old folders and doing a fresh install and praying that works. But I noticed on steam they have some beta file for those having crashes and wondering if gog has that also?
Dont see it anywhere is why i ask.
If you use GoG Galaxy then you can use the beta patch.
Switching to the public_beta branch (GOG):
1. When you hover over the BattleTech library entry, find the small menu expansion arrow in the bottom right corner of the BattleTech App - select “Settings” (or "More" if you've already selected the BATTLETECH entry in your library)
2. Click Beta Channels on the right side of the header and select “On”
3. Click the Channel dropdown menu and select "public_beta"
4. It should automatically update
On either platform, if you don't see the "public_beta" branch available, please exit the platform client and relaunch.
If you use the beta patch, you can only play MP with people who are also using the beta patch.