CominHot: How can i change to 4:3 resolution ?
My resolution is 1920x1080 on both displays.
Main monitor 144hz and second monitor 60hz.
DX components (via dxdiag) DirectDraw: active
Direct3D: active
AGP: active
I want to play this freaky game...
1920x1080 is 16:9 ratio, so you can't change anything, still should be able to play though.
Experiment with disabling one of the monitors: ("hit the windows key + P and disable the second monitor if you are using multiple screens and have only 1 up"). My guess would be to try it with 60hz monitor (thus disabling the 144hz one), but experiment with both, also lurk around your videocard control panel (AMD manager or nVIDIA control panel) and make the sure you have the "stretch/fullscreen" scaling option in it, so it automatically stretches the game to 1920x1080. Leave 1024x768 with 32 bitdepth in the .ini file.
Also you can try to run it with compatibility mode, Win 95/98/XP.
Extra- info from people, who solved the problem: "I am not sure if this is what you are looking for, but in your main Battle Realms directory you should find a file called Battle_Realms_F.exe, I found that this makes the game run in correct fullscreen mode, even on my ASUS 24" Widescreen monitor.
I dont think its a proper 1920x1080 resolution but it looks just fine too me.
So might like to create a shortcut to this .exe and run the game using this."(c)
"guys if you are using nvidia GFX card go to NVIDIA control panel go to Display>adjust desktop size and position and change your scaling mode to full-screen, worked for me and i have 1920x1080(1080) screen... " (c)
"Alright i figured it out and got it to launch. Theres an option in the Nvidia control panel which forces the highest refresh rate possible which seems to bug battle realms (probably related to the fact that my monitor runs at 144hz).
Anyway i disabled that and the game runs fine, even at the highest refresh rate." (c)