pseudonymous: Except the novel improves on the game by fixing the biggest gaping plot hole, the starting date. The game starts in 1368, roughly 10 years after the time of troubles which is when Bhaal took the skin boat to tuna town with a whole lot of women.
Hickory: Wrong. All that is known is that Bhaal 'walked the land' *before* the Time of Troubles. He foresaw his own death and took mortal form. This could have been any time before 1358 -- there is no record of him doing it all in 1358.
Hickory. Man. You never cease to amaze me in BG and DnD lore. That just cleared up a huge RP hole I had with my characters. I was always aiming them to be rather young and then growing up in BG. But the whole tuna town thing happened any time in the past. So you could be a 200 year old elf and have no problems RP-wise.
Of course, a 200-year-old elf being raised by an old, but not that old, Gorion is a bit odd. Maybe Gorion's an elf too!
P.S. I read most of the book in one sitting at a B&N. It's not a horrible book. It's an empty shade of a book. Worth just a little less than a penny, not worth the shipping, and certainly not worth the paper it was printed on. That said, for a penny, I'd probably pick it up. Maybe use the cover as wall art or something.