Post 1 Post 2 Post 3 There are already some posts regardig this matter, so I recommend you to use the search function for further information.
And yes, if you dual class her right now, she will be a
Level 1 Mage until she reaches level 8 as a Mage. Only then, you will be able to use her thief abilities (including using bows and armor).
So, even if I don't know the numbers right now, I suspect the experience cap will prevent her to regain her thieving skills. (If you don't mod, I think a character can go as high as 161000 XP with TotSC).
Even if it depends on the rest of your party and if you are only playing BGI, I would advise you
not to dual-class her. I might be wrong though.
If I were you (asumming you don't have any other thief in the party), I would go for Edwin as a mage and keep her as a thief.