cbarchuk: Wanting to play through BG which I haven't done in quite a while. I'm thinking of going with a thief. Just not sure if I should go pure or multi/dual. I want to mainly backstab. So any suggestions on this would be much appreciated. Thanks again.
Tarkeel: It depends on what you want to use your thief for. I use mine mainly as archers and trap detectors, and then a multi-class works perfectly. You get better bows and THAC0 from the fighter class, and just enough skill points to stay on top of traps and locked doors.
It sounds like you want to play a pure thief though; if so you should install BGTuTu which allows you to play BG1 in the engine for BG2. It takes a bit of work to setup, but it's really worth it.
Start by downloading
EasyTutu, as well as both BG1 and BG2.
Install BG1 and 2 as normal.
Run the EasyTutu installer which will walk you through it.
Finish off by using the
Widescreen mod to set a custom resolution (this part is optional, but recommended).
Thanks for the response. Yea it's been a loooonngg time since I've played the orginal game. Yea I wanted to build a backstabber for sure. My worry with the pure thief is the THACO issues. My worry with the multi-class is the slower leveling. I guess I could maybe dual-class though I'm not a huge fan of it. I guess I could maybe do Fighter3/Thief X or something like that. If the pure thief's THACO is manageable then I would rather go that route I think.