Hickory: Make a profile in settings, and set the correct folders.
You earnestly think people are not doing that???
mad2gamer: SOLVED ! I finally solved the problem!
As Hickory pointed out, I need to make a `save` and `characters` files under C: \`user name`\My Documents\Baldur's Gate 2\save (or characters) file...
Here is what happened: When i was setting a profile under EE Keeper, I choose to use `browse` option to find `installation` directory and to set-up custom save directory. Unknown to me my Win7 OS seems to be omitting to set-out the full name of the directory for profile `save` and `characters` files...It listed it as> C:\Users\``user name``\Documents\Baldur's Gate 2\save (and) characters...You see the problem?...it is not `Documents` it is `My Documents`! Why Win7 kept omitting that, I do not know.
That was the reason EE Keeper kept showing blank for saves and characters...well, it still will do UNLESS you copy `save` files and `character` files from original installation directory into this custom directory!!!
For some reason Win7 is still able to find my profile/custom directory with only Documents listed in the file path BUT NOT EE Keeper...it demands a correct name `My Documents`...go figure that one out... :/
Wrong answer thinking people are this stupid.
mad2gamer: The problem is that BG2 by default saves `save` files and `character` files in the same directory where the game was installed. If I create a custom folder in My Documents it still will not save there any files...maybe EE Keeper will, but the game will not so there will be nothing for EE Keeper to find there...How do you get around that???
Hickory: By using Shadowkeeper. The Enhanced Editions do things differently, and EE Keeper is designed for those. You do not need EE Keeper for BG2.
This is the correct answer, and I was wondering this myself. The EEKeeper CLAIMS to work with the original version. It clearly does not.