Posted April 15, 2013

Rock on!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

New User
Registered: Feb 2009
From United States
Posted April 21, 2013
I am not in the tower and of course i defeated the horror. If you know how, its actually easy. Well you just need to know how.
So far its not that hard in the tower. But i am just in the 2th lower level and try to solve puzzles.
So far its not that hard in the tower. But i am just in the 2th lower level and try to solve puzzles.

Almost human
Registered: Dec 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted April 21, 2013
Oh, you've just been clearing out Durlag's equivalent of tutorial rats on the first level. Fun times ahead. :)

New User
Registered: Feb 2009
From United States
Posted May 01, 2013
!!!! maybe spoiler!!!!!
Mm.. i think i haven't figured out the ending really. I am again in Ulgoth's Beard and fight the cultist. So far so good. If i am in the cellar and fight the demon after a while my party changes to ghasts. ????? Did i miss something?
Mm.. i think i haven't figured out the ending really. I am again in Ulgoth's Beard and fight the cultist. So far so good. If i am in the cellar and fight the demon after a while my party changes to ghasts. ????? Did i miss something?

AC/DC Rocks!
Registered: Sep 2011
From Other

Registered: Nov 2008
From Finland
Posted May 02, 2013
That's pretty much the hardest fight in the game. You can leave the room and lure the lesser bad guys to come after you (can't remember what they were but there were some I'm sure) so you can take them out first. Use every buff possible especially magic resistance, bless etc and have plenty of dispels on the ready. Also summon everything you can and send them to the demon guy so he'll attack them instead of your party members. Haste is useful too.

New User
Registered: Feb 2009
From United States
Posted May 02, 2013

Mm.. i think i haven't figured out the ending really. I am again in Ulgoth's Beard and fight the cultist. So far so good. If i am in the cellar and fight the demon after a while my party changes to ghasts. ????? Did i miss something?

I just don't know how since i did not notice any spell thrown at me.
I will try to leave the cellar but i think they did not follow but i need to try this again. See what happens.

No, that is the cheesy thing that demon does. If I recall correctly, arrows of dispelling is very useful there. You can save them, but you have to be quick, before they turn to ghasts and die. Just make sure NPCs don't start attacking each other when you hit one of them with a dispelling arrow, because that happened several times with me. When they get hit by that dam thing, there will be an icon on their profile picture. Make sure you pay close attention.
Post edited May 02, 2013 by yester64

Registered: Nov 2008
From Finland
Posted May 03, 2013

I just don't know how since i did not notice any spell thrown at me.
The really dangerous part of this fight is Aec'Letec's Death Gaze. When he locks eyes with a PC, that character is held and will shortly turn into a Ghoul (and permanently slain), unless the gaze effect is cancelled (via a Dispel Magic). Increasing your saves is the only real defence (and it's not a certain one, either). Potions of Invulnerability are a must for front line fighters.

AC/DC Rocks!
Registered: Sep 2011
From Other
Posted May 03, 2013
The way I managed to deal with him/it was to spawn monsters near him so he was busy with them (a monster wand is great, and keep bringing up new ones as he slays them). Then I went around and dealt with the cultists, which I think was fairly easy as they don't really resist. You're bound to get some people gazed, so have spells or dispelling arrows at the ready. After you fire a dispelling arrow at somebody, just make sure both the recipient and shooter are given new targets, or they can start hitting each other (maybe turning off AI will help here, not sure).
It's an incredibly tough battle, perhaps the toughest in the whole game, so don't feel too bad if you die a lot. Personally I died an awful lot from the entry to that map, because those damn assassins kept backstabbing me and I had no idea of knowing where they were. Keep at it, and hopefully you make it in the end. It's tough as nails!
It's an incredibly tough battle, perhaps the toughest in the whole game, so don't feel too bad if you die a lot. Personally I died an awful lot from the entry to that map, because those damn assassins kept backstabbing me and I had no idea of knowing where they were. Keep at it, and hopefully you make it in the end. It's tough as nails!

Registered: Apr 2010
From Canada
Posted May 03, 2013
Drink the potions of protection from petrification OR cast dispel magic. First method preferred and it's easy to see why.

Registered: Nov 2008
From Finland
Posted May 04, 2013
Yeah when you notice some of your characters is "held" -> dispel and pray to god is succeeds :D