Kephin.615: Darn cheaters! Minsc will not stand for this!
IwubCheeze: Go for the eyes Boo, and those cheating typing fingers too!! >:)
I guess you will need to make your own AI script that has your characters cheating with ForceSpell() or even ReallyForceSpell(). Maybe have Minsc ReallyForceSpell() Improved Invisibility on himself every time it wears off. (I think this sort of thing is more fun than just using the cheat console.)
The distinction is something like this:
CastSpell(): Spell will be cast if memorized, will be removed from memory, can be disrupted. The usual 6 second rule applies.
ForceSpell(): Spell will be cast even if not memorized, but I believe will be removed from memory if it is. Can't be disrupted. I *think* the usual 6 second rule applies.
ReallyForceSpell(): Spell will be cast instantly, ignoring the usual constraints. The 6 second rule does not apply. This is used in cutscenes, and some enemies in BG2 will ReallyForceSpell() spells under certain circumstances, often accompanied by text like "Contingency" and "Spell Trigger". (The AI can't actually cast these spells, so the developers faked it with AI scripts.)