Posted June 24, 2014
ok, first, forgive me if this has been asked before, but since is a rather technical question (as in, not the typical "can I use the installer again?" one), and I still don't know if this is one of these places where they close old threads, I'll just ask.
the question: I have recently bought baldur's gate 1 & 2 here on GOG (among a few other games... ). I have at least two computers in which I'd like to play BGT (the mod that combines both baldur's gate titles), since sometime I'm in the mood of playing it in my bed (in the laptop), but sometimes, I just want to enjoy my 22 inch screen (dedicated gaming PC).
obvious answer is: just install it on both computers, and there you go. but I don't really want that.
let me be clear: I'm used to steam. with it, I can put the game folder on a third PC which acts a data server, running linux. I have a full steam client running there under wine, so games can even update by themselves. and then, on my two playing computers, I just install the steam client (on windows or even on linux), add to it the server's library folder, and all my games are there, without need for any more. I can heavily mod any game I want, and it is available from whichever computer I want to play it (perhaps I have to manually change the resolution, but that's all). same for saved games, they are on the server, and I symlink the folder to wherever windows decides it wants to store saved games for a certain game, and that's all.
note: this is all running inside a gigabit ethernet lan, and the server's data disk is shared across it. it works flawless.
well. I want to do the same with my gog games. I didn't came here for all the DRM-free thing (although as a linux user I greatly appreciate it), but for games. I want to play them however I want, and that includes putting the game folder on the server, so I can almost-seamlessly switch computers and keep playing.
BUT. gog installers do what almost-every-installer-out-there does: they don't just install everything into a folder, they write in the registry, and who knows what else. *
So. how can I move a game folder (e.g. to a new computer, since all the server thing would then be just a matter of symlinks), WITHOUT having to reinstall the game? I mean, for vanilla games, reinstalling is not such a hassle but imagine what would be reinstalling a fully moded game. just... I don't want to do it.
*if anyone actually knows what the installer does, that could be a good start for what I want. I mean, one solutions is to just symlink a few things... but I'd need to know what things.
as a side thought: I'm really liking this site, with all the drm-free thing, and all that. I'm really considering partly migrating to (as in, buying my new games from here), but I need it to be easily adaptable to my specs (the whole centralized server thing, and all that). I like the steam installer because you just copy the folder and there you go. I want to do the same with my gog games.
PS: btw, English is not my native language, so, I'm sorry if something is not easy to understand. juts ask and i'll try my best to explain. also, sorry for the long post.
the question: I have recently bought baldur's gate 1 & 2 here on GOG (among a few other games... ). I have at least two computers in which I'd like to play BGT (the mod that combines both baldur's gate titles), since sometime I'm in the mood of playing it in my bed (in the laptop), but sometimes, I just want to enjoy my 22 inch screen (dedicated gaming PC).
obvious answer is: just install it on both computers, and there you go. but I don't really want that.
let me be clear: I'm used to steam. with it, I can put the game folder on a third PC which acts a data server, running linux. I have a full steam client running there under wine, so games can even update by themselves. and then, on my two playing computers, I just install the steam client (on windows or even on linux), add to it the server's library folder, and all my games are there, without need for any more. I can heavily mod any game I want, and it is available from whichever computer I want to play it (perhaps I have to manually change the resolution, but that's all). same for saved games, they are on the server, and I symlink the folder to wherever windows decides it wants to store saved games for a certain game, and that's all.
note: this is all running inside a gigabit ethernet lan, and the server's data disk is shared across it. it works flawless.
well. I want to do the same with my gog games. I didn't came here for all the DRM-free thing (although as a linux user I greatly appreciate it), but for games. I want to play them however I want, and that includes putting the game folder on the server, so I can almost-seamlessly switch computers and keep playing.
BUT. gog installers do what almost-every-installer-out-there does: they don't just install everything into a folder, they write in the registry, and who knows what else. *
So. how can I move a game folder (e.g. to a new computer, since all the server thing would then be just a matter of symlinks), WITHOUT having to reinstall the game? I mean, for vanilla games, reinstalling is not such a hassle but imagine what would be reinstalling a fully moded game. just... I don't want to do it.
*if anyone actually knows what the installer does, that could be a good start for what I want. I mean, one solutions is to just symlink a few things... but I'd need to know what things.
as a side thought: I'm really liking this site, with all the drm-free thing, and all that. I'm really considering partly migrating to (as in, buying my new games from here), but I need it to be easily adaptable to my specs (the whole centralized server thing, and all that). I like the steam installer because you just copy the folder and there you go. I want to do the same with my gog games.
PS: btw, English is not my native language, so, I'm sorry if something is not easy to understand. juts ask and i'll try my best to explain. also, sorry for the long post.
This question / problem has been solved by Hickory