elgils: Can someone tell me if it's possible to use a save from the original with an Enhanced Edition ?
I've copied saves from BGT into the save folders of the of BG1EE & BG2EE followed by copying over the override folder. I have been able to successfully import the characters from the imported saves into a new game the EEs. Depending on what specific mods are installed in BGT vs. the EEs certain spells, items, etc. might not be recognized. How well this will work in regard to SoD I have no idea because obviously I don't have it to try to do so.
If one reads the
, [url=http://gibberlings3.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=27752]Gibberlings3 and/or
Spellhold Studios forums one can read that work is being done on creating an
Enhanced Edition Trilogy that is striving to combine the EE versions of BG1, BG2, SoD, IWD1 & portions of the original version of IWD2 into 1 large game.
As far as Hickory's response of, "No, it's not." I have no idea if he's attempted to use a save from the original with an Enhanced Edition and failed or not because those 3 words are the entirety of his response. Though he may have answered that way because one is going to need to have BG1EE installed to be able to install SoD. SoD is going to be an expansion, not a standalone game.
Whether or not one should buy the EEs, I feel that one should determine that for themselves.
EDIT: Typos