SarahGabriella: Does this game feature POC, especially black characters and LGBT characters in BG3?
Moloch.: Some of the recruitable allies can be romanced by both male and female player characters, so I think the response to the LGBT question is yes.
One of the recruitable characters is black (Wyll). Lae'zel (another recruitable character) is a Githyanki, though I doubt this is what you meant by POC.
I haven't really paid attention if any of the NPCs were POC. If someone has already answered this question, feel free to skip the remainder of my post. Otherwise:
i) If you are considering buying this game in Early Access, you could watch a Let's Play to see if there are any. Sure, you risk getting some spoilers, but if you were considering buying BGIII in EA, you were bound to receive spoilers way before seeing the full game anyway.
ii) If you aren't, I'd recommend waiting until the full game is out, because it is possible that there are few POC NPCs in the first Act but many more in the following two. Someone is bound to mention this in a review if you are patient enough.
As for all the huge discussion of social justice in this thread, I would just like to say the following:
There is no need for being assholes. OK, you might not care about the number of POC and LGBT characters in the game, and I can perfectly understand that. OP does, though, and those that had nothing helpful at all to say should have just ignored this thread. Why try to change OP's worldview? She is just trying to make a very personal decision. If you don't like to use her criteria in order to decide whether to buy the game or not, don't use these criteria.
Thx dear. Yea, i worried about spoilers, thats why i rather asked than straight up look up vids. And im not spending 60 euro on a game if i dont know these things beforehand.
Katarack21: 1) Biological sex isn't that simple. Chromosomes are way more complicated then that--XYY is more common that schizophrenia, and the majority of people who have it never even realize they do but go their whole life thinking their normal males. That isn't even getting into the weird things that can happen with hormones--androgen resistance is a real thing that can make a genetic XY person develop with a completely female body--or gene transposition like having a partial X chromosome overwrite the Y chromosome etc. Biological sex has *always* been more complicated then than the hard XX/XY dichotomy we simplify it as.
2) Biological sex has *nothing* to do with gender. There can be and have been and currently *are* many, many societies with more than two gender positions, sometimes five or six, and which gender you fall into is a social and psychological construct that is interrelated to how your biological sex is perceived by both yourself and others but is not dependent on it.
3) I don't know that you're bigoted, but you are *definitely* ignorant. That's not a *value* judgement, it's a statement about your lack of knowledge regarding the genetics, physiology, and anthropology of both sex and gender.

TauLambda: 1) Yes genetics is complicated but a Y chromosome denotes male. Regardless mutation and expression, biologically speaking it =male. At no point did I say that someone with a Y chromosome always developed male sex characteristics. There are certainly times when this fails to happen. But the presence of Y nonetheless means they are male. Whether they choose to live in a male social role or not is a different question, one which I never argued.
2) I never brought up gender. I only referred to biological sex for the specific reason to remaining clear in my distinctions.
3) I am certainly ignorant in many ways which is why I like freedom of speech and discussion as it allows me to find out where I am wrong. But I am fairly confident in my biological distinction of the sexes. You can make cultural arguments about customs in different parts of the world as to how they represent male and female, and I would be right with you in agreement that society influences the roles each sex assumes, but biological sex is not a social construct and that's all I have referred to.
Where do i say anything about biological sex in my OP? Youre only here to sow division and lies. Want to talk about other crap? Go make your own thread. Thats free speech, which doesnt apply to the internet btw because the internet isnt murica so the damn constitution doesnt apply here.