dtgreene: If you were a mage, you wouldn't need to permanently use up resources like that.
Hickory: No, you'd just have to find somewhere to rest when your spell quota was spent.
Except that, as a high-level mage, I can do the following:
1. Cast Project Image.
2. Have the image use the spells. This way, I am only out one 7th level spell slot, yet I get a whole bunch of spells off for that small cost.
3. Have the image drink a potion to boost her wisdom (this doesn't use up the *real* potion), then have her cast Wish. If lucky, this will allow me to regain all the spells that I cast, giving more opportunities to cast spells.
This works even better if I'm a sorcerer, because I can have different images use different spells; one image can stop time and summon planetars, and (after that image gets killed) a different image can try to Wish my spells back.
If things go really badly and I use up all my images, I still have my own 9th level spells available for a few extra tries as Wishing my spells back.
Also, I can point out that thieves can't heal others without using things like Rods of Resurrection; mages can at high levels.