ad0rkablevi3tbo1: So I'm trying to alter my familiar's stats (Psuedo Dragon), so it can last longer during a fight. I'm using shadow keeper to alter both of the psuedo dragon files, but for some reason, they won't update within the game. Help please! :)
Hm, my guess is the game is resetting the monster's stats everytime you enter a new map or put him in your pack and release him - because it spawns a new creature each time.
Instead of ShadowKeeper, try Near Infinity, and locate and change the familiar game files. It will be in the CRE directory, and will be FAMXXX.CRE, where XXX would be CAT, PSD, IMP, RAB, etc. There's a "25" version, and that's for BG2:TOB familiars.