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Patch 7 is on the horizon according to steam :
yes Panel from Hell hints have been dropping on twitter but at this point I almost wish they stop making hype and just work on the game... still barbarian halfling or Bard Gnome would make me smile
Tues, Feb 15, 1:00pm EST
ussnorway: yes Panel from Hell hints have been dropping on twitter but at this point I almost wish they stop making hype and just work on the game... still barbarian halfling or Bard Gnome would make me smile
At this point, any additional content would make me smile. A release date announcement, though, would make me ecstatic. Yes, I know that's not going to happen... but a person can dream.

I get that it's going to take a while, early access, bla bla... but I'd still *really* like to be able to play the full game sometime soon. After more replays than I can count, the first areas just aren't interesting anymore and I'm a little worried that once the finished game *is* released, I'll blast through the first chapter and miss anything new they added because I've seen it all too much. :(
My download is 87.49 gigs. This is either one hell of a patch, or I'm downloading the game again.
bg3.png (165 Kb)
J Lo: My download is 87.49 gigs. This is either one hell of a patch, or I'm downloading the game again.
I think it is redownloading the game. The pre patch anouncement mentioned the patch would be around 30 somethings gigs.
Can't post the notes. These sub-forums are test of patience. They are not on GoG as of this posting.

J Lo: My download is 87.49 gigs. This is either one hell of a patch, or I'm downloading the game again.
Mine is 84.43 GB weird...
On steam same patch7 is 32.25 GB (saw posted on reddit)
Same crap as before.. wtf is wrong with gog and patching this game.
Any word on the Offline installers for Patch 7?
Yea, this is absolutely ridiculous. The download is nearly 3 times the size of the 'patch'.
I don't know who the culprit is (GOG or Larian, but I suspect its GOG), but they need to fix this.
same problem, patch is like 100gb apparently... cant even dl and install it because no more room lol
84 gigs! That is 2 months worth of satellite internet for a patch.
Did anyone succeed with the upgrade?

In my gog/account I see patch7 notes, but in my galaxy there is still a patch6

What am I doing wrong?
Post edited February 17, 2022 by pipopolam
pipopolam: Did anyone succeed with the upgrade?

In my gog/account I see patch7 notes, but in my galaxy there is still a patch6

What am I doing wrong?
The patch notes in Galaxy are almost always behind by at least one patch. The patch is generally installed OK, but the notes are behind.
pipopolam: Did anyone succeed with the upgrade?

In my gog/account I see patch7 notes, but in my galaxy there is still a patch6

What am I doing wrong?
you did nothing wrong except buy a Mac

Messages from

Please note MacOS version of the game is currently only available to play via GOG GALAXY 2.0. Offline installer will be added as soon as it's ready.

also note Gog \ Larian account sync is busted by installing this patch i.e, the launcher will think you don't have an account and ask you to make a new one but should re-sync once you sign back in